Want to read something easy, funny but unpredictable?
Or are you keen to get stuck into a long, sad, larger than life, demanding read? Either way how do you find it? A great website called Whichbook.net can help you locate your next read by the way it will play with your emotions, rather than by the content.Choose four variables and where on the scale for each (eg. from Gentle to Violent), you want the book to be. A review will then be given of one title and an extract so you can get a taste of it, and a few other options are also listed.
Once you have a title you will need to check whether Sutherland Shire Libraries hold the title, or decide if you want us to Interlibrary Loan it from another library service for you. If not, then choose other options until you find one we hold.
This site and others, which help you to choose books you will enjoy, are linked from our Reader's Guide page. Here you will also find here some tips on authors who write like....? and new books, adult fiction and non-fiction, CD's, DVD's, travel guides, young adult, junior, graphic novels, large print and Mills & Boon titles, added to the library collection over the last month.
Menai Santa Visit
As you all know Santa has been doing his rounds this month, visiting our branches. We at Menai had our turn on Wednesday two weeks ago. Santa showed what a big reader he was by selecting a few books as he walked in. Excited kids delivered their wish-lists and stickers were handed out. Goodwill having been spread a satisfied Santa left the building, one mince pie in hand (or mouth!).
Summer Reading Club - Read on the Wild Side to Win

This year's Summer Reading Club theme is Read on the Wild Side. As always there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs in our major draw as well as incentives like tattoos and wristbands along the way. Sink you teeth into some great books and dazzle your teacher by how much your reading has improved over the summer break.
Join up at any Sutherland Shire Library and receive a start up kit with some fun activity sheets and your unique registration code. Grab some books and get started.
The program is open to anyone 0-12 years old. Those attending high school in 2010 can join our Teen Reading Club.
The Summer Reading Club runs from Monday 14th December until Sunday 7th February.
Take a break this Christmas at Miranda Library
Why not visit Miranda Library? If you want to relax and read a newspaper, find a new book to read, surf the web or even borrow a DVD or CD or just sit and rest, come and visit us.
You may care to check out Miranda library's latest display of 'list books'. Have a look at 1001 historic sites, 1001 ideas for kitchen organisation, 1001 ideas for patio and decks or 1001 foods.
Miranda Library also has various activities for children during December and January.
Monday 14th December 10am -2pm Drop In Christmas Craft
Monday 14th December - 7th Feb Summer Reading Club
Wednesday 6th January 10.30am On the Wild Side activity
Miranda Library now has CDs for loan. Come and have a look or check our catalogue for CDs at other branches.
Staff have been busy rearranging our books to whet your appetite for all those books that were at the back of the library.
So if you have never visited Miranda Library and were wondering where it is, have a look at the Sutherland Library website which has all branch locations and other interesting information about your libraries.
Miranda staff look forward to seeing you.
Holidaying over the Christmas period?
You get to choose the date when when they become active again. Perhaps a few days before you return. This means you won’t miss out on that eagerly awaited bestseller and you keep your place in the queue. Go to the Sutherland Library website, and under the menu option My Library choose, My Account and login with your membership number and pin. Click on Hold Requests, highlight your holds and put in the date you wish to suspend until. Click the Change Staus button and the Status of your requests will become Suspended.
Alternatively ring your local branch and they can suspend your holds requests for you.
Sutherland Library loan periods have been extended from the 4th of December so that anything borrowed between the 4th - 15th December will not fall due until January 5th, meaning there is no need to worry about overdue items between Christmas and New Year. (This does not apply to loans of items borrowed from other library services. Due dates on these items stay as advised. Please contact InterLibrary Loans for renewal)
Engadine Knitters First Meeting

Amid Christmas shopping and all the other events at this time of the year, the staff were delighted to host 12 keen and clever ladies both young and old, who were very enthusiastic about this new incentive. Those in attendance guaranteed to bring friends along to the meetings planned for next year.
This informal group plans to meet on the first Tuesday of the month between 10.30 and 12 noon at Engadine Library. Knitters and would-be knitters are invited to join this group. Come and enjoy a chat , swap patterns or get tips and advice from more seasoned knitters.
For further information and meeting dates
ph. 9548 6003
Christmas time is near!

Sylvania - Wednesday 2nd December
Miranda – Monday 7th December
Menai – Wednesday 9th December
Cronulla – Friday 11th December
Caringbah – Tuesday 15th December
Sutherland – Wednesday 16th December
Engadine – Friday 18th December

Caringbah - Tuesday 22nd December all day
Cronulla - Monday 21st December 1pm—5pm
Engadine - Monday 21st December all day
Menai - Wednesday 23rd December 10am—1pm
Miranda - Monday 14th December 10am—2pm
Sutherland 21st—24th December 10am—12 noon
Sylvania - Wednesday 9th & 16th December all day
Live the Life you've Imagined!
Have the chance to purchase a Christmas gift that keeps giving. Lauren and 13 other professionals are featured in the book 'Switched on health & well-being professionals', which will be available for sale, at the reduced price of $30.
For more information click here
Lapsit comes to Cronulla!

The program is suitable for babies 6-18 months. It is a 4 week program and will be held on Thursdays at Cronulla.
Bookings are essential and will be taken from Monday 16th November 2010. Phone Cronulla Library for dates, times and to make a booking.
Knitters Unite! in Engadine Library

Be in at the beginning of this new social phenonomen, come to Engadine Library on Tuesday the 1st December 10.30 - 12noon for the very first (wool) gathering.
Lauren Chandler Talks in the Library!

This event will be held in the Southern lounge of Sutherland Library, 7pm Wednesday 25th November 2009.
Personal Interest Project? Read a Living Book!
The Living Library works like any other library; you borrow, read and return books. The difference is that in this case, the ‘Books’ are people and so it is an interactive experience.
Here’s your chance to gain some insight into what it would be like to be the individual behind the ‘Title’.
You can come and ‘Borrow’ a ‘Book’ for a 30 minute, one on one, conversation, in a safe and friendly environment. You are encouraged to ask questions to increase your understanding.
Our ‘Books’ are volunteers from the local community, and so are people you might walk past every day. They are from a range of backgrounds and a wide variety of life experiences are covered.
Here is a taste of two of the newest Books on offer, one never before read!
The Road to Marriage CelebrancyMarried young and moved to the bush…Engadine! In the 1950’s Sutherland Shire was still very isolated and Engadine particularly was only just beginning to change from farming to ‘town’ life. There was no power, phones or transport, raising children in these circumstances teaches resilience and self reliance and a ‘can do’ attitude. Higher education after the children are set, and a new life, helping celebrate the turning points in the lives of others.
Tale of a Faraway Land: Chittagong Hill Tracts.Growing up in the mountains, between Bangladesh, and India, but identifying with neither peoples. The people are being pushed to the edge, as colonialism forced them to abandon the river mouth and take to the hills for survival, but it’s a hard living to be made. The journey to Australia and the creation of a new life.
Other Titles in the catalogue include these tasty titbits:
Great Times in Life and Sport
Growing up in Bondi in the 50’s, focused on outdoor pursuits of any variety. Fun was physical and fitness was just part of life. Squash became a particular passion, always competing in some way and getting to know ‘the’ players and officials. When supporting a family became a necessity, the opportunity of operating a squash centre, seemed the perfect answer. It provided unforseen troubles, as well as unbelievable opportunities.
Buddhist Nun, wife and mother…
This book seemed be living life like everyone around her. Growing up in a Catholic family, moving on to her own marriage, having children and questioning the teachings of her upbringing. Searching led her to learn about mediation and eventually to adopt Buddhism as her way of life. Hear how her family came to accept her decision, and the meaning her life now has as she works for her/our community.
My Voluntary WorkVoluntary work is extremely rewarding and has taken many forms over the years. It’s fitting I’m now a Book, as I was once a voluntary librarian. Hospital visitation has many rewards, as does working with new migrants, helping them learn English for their survival.
Know Yourself Heal Yourself
Learning to accept yourself, with all one’s faults… and features, is an issue for many of us. Hitting the bottom can teach one a lot about ‘up’. Whilst still relatively young, this book started on the long haul up from rock bottom and hasn’t stopped climbing since, literally!
My Lucky Life
An ‘idyllic’ childhood in the 40’s and 50’s. Everyone got together to play, and sport was everything. Squash became a great passion and a life long pursuit. Competition at NSW level and representing Australia, led to travelling the world and meeting many famous people. But there is life after competition, and raising a family in its shadow has its own challenges.
Not all Books are available at each session. Click here to see more titles and read more about what a Living Library is.
Understanding Cancer Information Awareness Talk and Morning Tea

Engadine Library will be hosting a Cancer Council NSW Community speaker who will be talking about how living a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of cancer.
A morning tea will follow the talk.
Engadine Library
Tuesday 10th November
Bookings Essential 9548 6003
Wireless Hotspot Service At Sutherland Shire Libraries
A change is coming to the Library's Wireless Hotspot Service. For some time now customers of Sutherland Library have been able to access the Internet using their own devices, eg. laptops and web enabled mobile phones, using our Wi-Fi hotspot.Our current hotspot service, which has been providing free access, will be replaced in November with an improved service covering both levels of Sutherland Library. In addition, the Wi-Fi service is being extended to other locations across the Council's library network.
To take advantage of this facility customers will be able to purchase cards for wireless Internet access. There will be a choice of either a $5 card for 24 hour access or a $2 card for 2 hour access over a 1 week period.
Sutherland Shire Council is implementing this option as a low-cost alternative for library customers.
Visit our web site for more detail about the Library's Wireless Hotspot Service or pick up a brochure at any branch library.
Cronulla Library Opens
Eager customers waited outside for the doors to open.
Then.....the race was on.
HSC students led the way and quickly occupied most of the tables. Children made a beeline for the children's area. Newspapers were snapped up. Others wandered around taking in the colour and looking for their favourite authors.
Bookatoo was pursuaded to make a guest appearance much to the delight of the children - young and a little older.
Didn't get there for the opening? See photos of the opening on flickr
We look forward to you visiting Cronulla Library.
The library is in Cronulla Central.
Enter from Cronulla Plaza, Croydon Street or via the lifts from the Croydon Street Carpark.
Internet Training @ Your Library - space available for next week!
Of course all the information is available from the Internet Course Information page on our web site and the dates and times are listed on our Events Calendar as well.
A few spots are available for the course beginning, Tuesday 20th October. Ring today to secure your place.
You now have a subscription World Book Online!
World Book Online Public Library Edition, is now available at home to any Sutherland Shire Library member!Use it as a starting point for assignments... as a reliable benchmark to judge Wikipedia results against...or just for fun!
There are three products in one:
- World Book Online for Kids - especially for younger kids it includes engaging multimedia, games, science projects, interactive tools, and activities.
- World Book Online Info Finder - designed for school-aged patrons’ homework and research needs and based on the World Book Encyclopedia.
- World Book Online Reference Center - a reference tool for advanced researchers and information seekers, there are e-books, tens of thousands of articles, and hundreds of thousands of primary source documents.
Each section can be keyword searched or you can be guided through menu options towards your goal. Your results can be saved in an individual account within the site giving you the ability to create and save your own content features, including research results from World Book and external sources, timelines, and citations.
Besides providing much information within it’s pages, World Book Online also provides links to quality websites, freely available articles and interactive map links related to the subject of your choice. These resources are outside the World Book website and you are informed of such as you leave.
Although doing a search and getting results is easy, there is so much that can be done within the World Book website, that customer training options are available to alert you to the full features of this product. Once logged in to World Book Online, look at the bottom of the screen for the Online Tutorial and/or Customer Training Guide.
All you need to do to have this powerful tool at your fingertips is follow the link above, click on the picture of the library card and enter your library card number.
To see all the information sources available to you from home go to Sutherland Shire Libraries home page, highlight Web Resources from the top menu, click on Online Databases, then click on the dropdown menu beside the heading Databases by Title. World Book is listed here along with many other free products, your membership entitles you to access.
Final preparations begin for the HSC!
Sutherland Shire Libraries hold a range of resources to assist HSC students with their studies. Study guides such as those by Excel, Macquarie, Get Smart, Top Notes and Success One : Student Answers published by the Board of Studies; past HSC examination papers and Infocus articles from the State Library of NSW, are all available for use within the libraries.Sutherland, Caringbah, Engadine, Cronulla (reopens Monday the 19th October), Menai and Miranda libraries have separate HSC lending collections consisting of study guides, support material, Hot Topics for legal studies students and the series Issues in Society.
Students, who are members of the library, can search the online catalogue and access online databases from home, to locate articles and other up-to-date information on a wide range of topics. The library webpage includes links specifically for HSC students.
The first exam is on Tuesday 20th October, and study space in our libraries is at a premium. So if you are coming in for quiet study space, be early!
Goodbye Surf Road, Hello Cronulla Central!
With the closure of the Library at Surf Rd, Cronulla on Saturday we have begun to move into the New Library at Cronulla Central in Croydon Street.
There's still lots to do but here's a sneak peak at the new Cronulla Library. There's more photos on Flickr too...
Free Online Computer Training for Library members.
Free Online Computer Training for Library members - Teach yourself new skills at home!Do you need some introductory knowledge to computers? Want to brush up on your Internet searching and email skills? Are the Office 2007 applications frustratingly different to your old version? Or do you have Windows Vista? Then use our newest online database Computer Training. It covers these topics and more, and it can be done at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home!
These tutorials are interactive and based on academic testing. They have been created in small modules so they can be done in short bursts. Each module has an optional testing facility, to help you see what you’ve remembered, which is simulation-based not just multiple choice questions.
Once at the site having logged in as a library member, you will be asked to ‘Create a New Account’. This is your own personal account and so your results will only be accessible to you! You can see how many modules you have completed, with what level of accuracy.
Try it out now...
This database is Australian designed and the methods have been University tested, resulting in the following vendor's statement:
“Dynamic Learning Online’s approaches to training have been empirically tested through Australian Research Council funded research and are based on the Cognitive Load Learning principles developed by Professor John Sweller (Emeritus Professor, University of NSW) and Professor Paul Chandler (Dean of Education, University of Wollongong).
Book Safari
For two very full weeks Menai Library along with other Sutherland library branches celebrated Book Week, the theme of which was "Book Safari" this year.
We are happy to say that staff and school students alike thoroughly enjoyed presenting and interacting with the games and also preformances by a visiting "Sunday Chutney".
Farewell Cronulla Library, as we know it.

Cronulla was booming by the 1950’s, so in 1955 council decided to open a branch library at Cronulla. A portion of the School of arts building (1912) in Surf road was leased for this purpose. However, by 1962 the premises was considered to be inadequate and it wasn’t until 1969 that the old church was used for a separate children’s library with the adult library following in 1975.
Cronulla Library will continue to occupy the current building until September 19th 2009. (For more information about Cronulla’s and it's old buildings view them online or contact our Local Studies section at Sutherland Library Ph. 9710 0225).
It is time to say goodbye and to move on to bigger and better things. So farewell to Cronulla Library as we know it, your memory will live on in us. Please share your memories by commenting, so they can live on long after it has moved.
Man Booker Prize 2009 Shortlist Announced
On Tuesday 8 September 2009 A S Byatt, J M Coetzee, Adam Foulds, Hilary Mantel, Simon Mawer and Sarah Waters were announced as the shortlisted authors for the 2009 Man Booker Prize for Fiction. Start your reading now and see if you agree with the Judges Verdict when the winner is announced on 5 October.The Children's Book by A. S. Byatt
Summertime by J. M. Coetzee
The Quickening Maze by Adam Foulds
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
The Glass Room by Simon Mawer
Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
National Stroke Week 2009

This year the new FAST campaign is being launched to help people recognise the early signs of stroke. The FAST test involves asking three simple questions.
Face - Check the face. Has their mouth drooped?
Arms - Can they lift both arms?
Speech - Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
Time - Time is critical. If you see any of these signs, call 000 now.
To assist in the promotion of the signs of stroke, a Clinical Nurse Educator from Kareena Hospital will be available at Sutherland Library to measure blood pressure and to give advise on stroke prevention.
When and where?
Tuesday 15th September and Wednesday 16th September 2009
10am - midday
Sutherland Library
30-36 Belmont Street
ph 9710 0351
New books in the Living Library
The Shire Community Living Library is open again on Tuesday 8th September between 10am – 12 pm. If you’ve missed out previously, or loved taking part in it, here’s another chance to find out more about the people in your community.There are some new books, waiting to be read for the first time, as well as some old favourites. Take the time to enjoy a conversation with a person you wouldn’t meet via your regular routine.
Why not combine borrowing a Living Book with picking up your regular reading – viewing - listening material!
Living Books cannot be taken home, they are Reference material, and therefore they must be read in the Library. Allow yourself an extra 30 minutes to challenge yourself to something different.
Here’s a glimpse of the newest Book on offer…
Lifequest : Oh, my goodness, Oh, my glory, on this page is my story.
Working with the people on our city streets who need support in so many aspects of their lives, and the major charities which support them, prompted this Book to dedicate himself to establishing a number of Foundations to provide relief in areas he could see, were not being adequately serviced.
This book relates how the toll of his charity work has led him towards a change of career into relationship counselling and personal training, and the satisfaction this provides him, to be part of the solution and help avert the crisis, rather than just pick up the pieces and try to reconstruct lives from scratch.
He can tell stories of the people he has met over the years in the pursuit of his charity work, both those requesting, or needing help and the Hollywood stars and Royalty who were patrons, attended the functions and donated.
Other titles in the catalogue include:
Turning the Shadow into a soft light
A woman who was determined to live a normal life although her husband was diagnosed with MS early in life, before much was known about it. She supported her husband and children by teaching music. She worked towards raising the awareness of MS and received awards for her efforts. She is now losing her own sight and learning life anew.
Being an Oblate of the Jamberoo Abbey
Fascination with mediation and spiritual traditions from around the world, spending time in Hindu, Christian and Buddhist ashrams. Committing to become an oblate of the Benedictine abbey, and what this means for oneself and the community.
Brown bread and liverwurst - growing up in Sydney being different
Coming to Australia – are there kangaroos in the street? Being a teenager is hard enough, but without being able to communicate at all school is a nightmare. Finding out that children can be so very cruel. Coming from Germany, had it’s own special issues!
Life giving experiences when caring for dying people
Caring for people with HIV/Aids, and volunteering to work with the poor in Calcutta, helping them to die with dignity, and how this makes one aware of what is important. Saying goodbye to a much loved Mother.
A Blessed Light in my Darkness
Losing his sight at 21, did not deter hthis Book from living a full life. He has married, had children and is now enjoying the chaos grandchildren can bring. Woodwork has continued to be a passion, using the skills he learnt as an apprentice. A friend introduced him to cycling and has been an avid long distance cycler for pleasure as well as for fund raising for various charitable organisations. Tandem is his bike of choice!Working as a telephone counsellor he has been able to support and assist many people in their time of need and is active in the local Baptist community.
Broken Pieces, whole story
Depression manifests in many forms, this is just one. Deliberate self harm becomes an addiction, and needs to be accepted as such, acknowledged and have a strategy in place to control it. The long road to regaining control, relasping and starting again and looking toward the future.
Immigration from Germany
Hear about social conditions in Germany before the rise of Hitler, and the losses that all war brings to any caught up its grip. Living in the partitioned Germany with family on either side, leads to emmigration to Australia. Immigration camps, finding work, housing the family, building a business and becoming involved in the community whilst providing for the family’s future, all feature in this book. As does the sadness, frustration and sense of loss that dementia brings to a family.
Let's blow the myth of ageing
How attitudes from one’s youth can colour one’s outlook forever. Marrying late and having 3 children quickly leads to struggles with depression. Recovery comes about with forgiveness and self acceptance. Working and learning all the while despite dyslexia. Started training in Feldenkrais movement therapy and began teaching it at 60. Living life to the full, whilst caring for a partner with Parkinson’s disease, from 80 on the journey continues.
Australia, my heart is in yours
Escaping a husband, with connections to Columbia’s drug trade, after he shot her, she landed in Australia with nothing – except the baby she hadn’t known she was carrying! Spending two years in detention centers, looking after her baby and having no English, she gained residency. Quickly learnt English and has been working ever since to provide for her daughter and make Australia her home.
Success through faith and perseverance
Born to Chinese parents in Indonesia under Dutch, then survived the Japanese occupation. Experienced the people’s revolution at first hand lead to Indonesian self rule. Education was now possible. A scholarship for University in Holland, led to work experience in England, and return home to serve his country with aeronautical engineering credentials. Emmigration to Australia provided a much more secure future for his children. Now works with overseas students and their host families, offering his services where they will help and contributing to build a future progressive modern Australian society.
Not all Books are available, on each occasion.
Jan Etteridge Prints @ Sutherland Library

Jan has a keen interest in places of interest in Sutherland Shire, travel, history, early buildings of Sydney and botanical art. These interests are reflected in many of her works.
Jan's works are on display in the Southern Lounge at Sutherland Library during September and October.
Book Week Awards: Winners Announced
The Children's Book Council of Australia have announced The 2009 Book Of the Year Award Winners. The were 6 titles shorltisted in each of the 5 categories. Each category has a winner and two honour titles.- Book of the Year : Older Readers
Tales from Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan
A collection of short stories that use Shaun's trademark illustrative style to increase meaning and enjoyment.
Honour Books : Older Readers
Into White Silence by Anthony Eaton
A Rose for the Anzac Boys by Jackie French - Book of the Year : Younger Readers
Perry Angel's Suitcase by Gelnda Millard, illustrated by Stephen Michael King
The third book in the Kingdom of Silk series. Perry Angel arrives at the Kingdom of Silk clinging to his old battered suitcase. A beautifully written and sensitive story.
Honour Books : Younger Readers
The Wish Pony by Catherine Bateson
Then by Morris Gleitzman - Book Of the Year : Early Childhood
How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham
In a cool, grey, unfeeling city Will is the only person to notice a fallen bird. Follow him as he cares for the bird.
Honour Books : Early Childhood
Leaf by Stephen Michael King
Tom Tom by Rosemary Sullivan, illustrated by Dee Huxley - Picture Book of the Year
Collecting Colour by Kylie Dunstan
Olive's mother and aunty are traditional basket weavers in the Northern Territory. In this story she and her friend Rose learn about the roots and berries used as dyes in the process.
Honour Books : Picture Book of the Year
Home and Away by Matt Ottley, text by John Marsden, published by Lothian Children's Books, Hachette
The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness by Colin Thompson, published by Randon House Australia - Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Alive in the Death Zone by Lincoln Hall
In 2006, an Australian mountaineer was left for dead in the 'death zone' following a successful ascent of Mount Everest. A great account by him of his survival and the perils of such an extreme adventure.
Honour Books : Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
The Word Spy by Ursula Duborsarsky, illustrated by Tohby Riddle
Simpson and his Donkey by Mark Greenwood, illustrated by Frane Lessac
Cronulla Library is Closing for Relocation
Cronulla Library will close its current location on Monday 21 September 2009, while it is relocated to a bigger and brighter space in the new Cronulla Central.
The doors will close for last time after 40 years at Surf Road on Saturday 19 September. This will be your last opportunity to borrow or return books and/or collect holds from Cronulla Library in its current location. The new Library will open for business in Cronulla Central (entry from Cronulla Plaza or Croydon Street) on Monday 19 October.
During the closure Cronulla Library will not be accepting returns. Any items being held for you will need to be collected from Caringbah Library.
We look forward to seeing you all in our fresh new space in October but during the closure all enquiries should be directed to Sutherland Library. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.
Go on a Book safari

That's right its book week again & this years theme is" Book Safari". Cronulla is putting the challenge out to its borrowers to discover the hidden book week characters hiding in our jungle poster, can you find them all?
Cronulla Library will also hold numerous school visits, celebrating the high quality of children's books produced every year here in Australia, including role plays, games and quacking like a chicken.
Don't let the schools have all the fun! Go on safari and discover all the wild and wonderful creatures that can be found at Cronulla Library - but watch out for those Chickens!

Book Week officially runs from August 22nd - 28th. The shortlist is out, and the winners will be announced on Friday 21st August. All libraries in the Sutherland Library participate and have decorated accordingly. Go on a Library safari and visit them all, or view their displays online.
Thank you to the Knitters of the Sutherland Shire!

They are all being collected now and sent into the Sydney Warehouse for distribution through over forty non-denominational and non-political aid agencies world wide. Last year 27372 rugs were given out, throughout 34 countries.
Knitters got together at both Caringbah and Sutherland Libraries where they felt part of the wider Sydney event, with live streaming of 2BL coverage, of the "Knit in", as well as webcam vision of the ‘skeins’ (?) of knitters crammed into the foyer of the the ABC studio in Ultimo.
Now Sutherland Libraries are in on the Wrap with Love Knit in experience, we are hoping for bigger crowds each year, so keep us in mind as a knitting venue for 2010.
Thank you for your generosity!
Greg De Moore Author Talk and Book Signing
Tom Wills was the man most often credited with creating the game that we now know as Australian Rules football. Tom was sent to the strict British Rugby School in 1850 and returned a talented cricketer. Tom's life was changed forever after he returned home to the Queensland outback where his father was murdered in the biggest massacre of Europeans by Aboriginals. Five years later, Tom went on to coach the first Aboriginal cricket team. As Tom's physical talent's began to fade, he descended into a different world.
Greg De Moore's historical biography of Tom Wills is the product of ten years of research. This research unearthed original medical records, letters, text books and notes previously believed to have been lost or destroyed.
Tom Wills' story goes beyond sport to become important social history. Come and listen to this intriguing family history, which is also an important but little known part of Australian colonial history. You may even pick up a few tips on researching your own family history!
Sutherland Library
10 September 2009, 10.30am
For further information and contact details see our Events Calendar.
More HSC Lectures announced for September 2009
If you are looking for excellent advice from HSC experts in preparation for your HSC exams on English, Ancient History or Modern History, then don't miss the next series of HSC lectures @ Sutherland Library.On Wednesday 2 September, 6.30-8pm Larry Grumley, English head teacher, study guide author and HSC senior marker, with over 25 years experience, will share his expertise on answering the HSC English paper 1- Area of Study, Belonging. A limited number of Larry’s workbooks will be available for purchase for $15.
Bruce Dennett, HSC Lecturer, co-author of the Modern History curriculum, award winning History teacher, and author of study guides and textbooks for Ancient and Modern History, as well as an HSC marker, will present two history lectures.
The first is on the Ancient History core topic of Cities of Vesuvius - Pompeii and Herculaneum, which is on Wednesday 9 September, 6.30-8pm.
The second lecture by Bruce Dennett, is on Wednesday 16 September, 6.30-8pm and will be on the Modern History core topic World War 1, 1914-1919. Bruce is a dynamic speaker with a wealth of knowledge and invaluable tips for students.
Students shouldn't miss this great opportunity to gain knowledge and insights on how to approach the HSC exam questions in the most effective way.
All lectures are held in the Southern Lounge at Sutherland Library and tickets for each lecture are $5.
Bookings are essential as places are limited. Please phone 9710 0351 to book or ask at any Sutherland Shire Library.
Knit In 2009 Sutherland and Caringbah Libraries

To be part of this event all that is needed is spare yarn and a pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook. Knitting instructions and further information on the Knit In can be found on the ABC Sydney Knit In web site. The libraries will have copies of the instructions.
Come and join your fellow knitters for a chat and coffee.
Friday 7th August 9am-11am (or later if you wish) at:
Sutherland Library
30-36 Belmont Street
Enquiries 9710 0351
Caringbah Library
376-378 Port Hacking Road
Enquiries 9524 3803
If you can't attend our Knit In on that day completed squares or wraps can be dropped off by 28th August at:
Any Sutherland Shire library
Sutherland Shire Council Service Centre
Eton Street
Sutherland Shire Adult Leisure Learning Centre
3A Stapleton Avenue, Sutherland
Black headed snake
Librarians log 15th of July 2009:Its 2:00pm and Menai Library has been invaded by animals as well as 29 excited children. There are lizards running around on the floor of the reference room, frogs climbing up the walls, turtles slowly working their way across tables and a snake has found a hiding spot under the shelves, to escape the chaos.
While we did have animals in the menai library on the 15th of July 2009, both animals and children were very well behaved with their handlers Darrelyn and Tara from Feature Creatures: Mobile Reptiles and Amphibians and parents standing close by.
Children had a wonderful time learning and interacting with the animals. Such as:
•Blue tongued lizard
•Shingle back lizard
•Bearded Dragon
•Frill neck lizard
•both Short and Long neck turtles
•a Fresh water crocodile
•Black headed snake
As well as a Nature table displaying smaller creepy crawlies.
Fun was had by both animals and people alike.
Diabetes Week@Sutherland Library

An estimated 275 Australian develop diabetes every day making diabetes our fastest growing disease. It was estimated that in 2007 about 890,000 Australians were diagnosed with diabetes. The total number of diagnosed cases and those with pre diabetes was a staggering 3.2 million.
In conjunction with Diabetes Week, a Clinical Nurse Educator from Kareena Private Hospital will be conducting Blood Glucose Level testing and providing advice on the prevention and management of diabetes.
Sutherland Library
Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th July
10am to 12 noon.
The library has books on this condition as well as many cookbooks to inspire healthy eating choices.
NAIDOC Week 2009
NAIDOC Week 2009 - Honouring our elders, nurturing our youth.From Monday 6 July, 2009 - Friday 10 July, 2009 documentaries and films will be showing in the Southern Lounge at Sutherland Library.
Get a cuppa from our hot drink dispenser, relax with some friends in our comfy lounge and learn a little about some fabulous Australian Aboriginal people.
Follow the links to read what Ronin Films say about these DVDs and maybe order your own copy.
Monday10am The Coolbaroo Club.
11am Intervention: Katherine, NT
2pm A walk with words : the poetry of Romaine Moreton.
2.30pm Urban clan : a portrait of the Page Brothers and Bangarra Dance Theatre.
3.30pm Deadly Yarns. 5 Short films (Broken bonds, Don't say sorry, Ganggu Mama, Miss Coolbaroo, Sugar Bag)
2pm Land of the Little Kings.
3.30pm 5 Seasons
10am River of no return.
11am 5 short films (Night patrol, Straight from the Yudaman's mouth, Look listen speak, Milerum whose story?, Apekathe)
Friday - Sports special
2pm Aboriginal Rules.
3pm Buffalo Legends.
Prints by Sharon Langhans
The display of Sharon Langhan's prints at Sutherland Library showcase various printmaking techniques. Sharon's underlying influence for her choice of subject of her prints is the natural beauty of Sutherland Shire's beaches and waterways.
A selection of Sharon's prints are on display during July and August so come along and see them on the Southern Lounge Wall of Art at the rear of the library. You won't be disappointed.
The Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) at the State Library of NSW have created a news watch service to help you find information about recent changes to the law, recent cases and new legislation.
An Extra HSC Lecture for Society and Culture
Due to the overwhelming popularity of our series of HSC Lectures we have squeezed in another one before the end of term.On 7 July former Shire resident and school teacher Bernie Howitt will be giving Society and Culture students advice about finishing your PIP (Personal Interest Project) and preparing for the HSC.
Bernie Howitt is a co author of the Heinemann Society and Culture text, an experienced head teacher, senior marker, lecturer, rock historian and writer. In addition Bernie was part of the team that wrote the current Society and Culture syllabus.
Bookings are essential. These HSC lectures have proven extremely popular so check out the Events Calendar for the full details and reserve your place ASAP.
You might also want to snap up one of the last few places remaining in the Legal Studies talk being held this Thursday, 25 June.
Fantastic News for iPod Owners
That has just changed!
Nearly all OverDrive WMA Audiobooks in our download collection are now compatible with the iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPod nano, as well as Zune and thousands of other portable devices.
To access this new functionality all you have to do is upgrade OverDrive Media Console to version 3.2 on Windows PCs.
There are a few requirements for transfering WMA audiobooks to Apple devices, which you can read about in the Overdrive Help.
OverDrive Media Console's enhanced Transfer Wizard will expand the largest selection of iPod-compatible audiobook titles for libraries by making the vast majority of existing audiobook titles playable on Apple devices.
Tim Winton's 'Breath' Wins Miles Franklin Award
Last night Tim Winton won an unprecedented 4th Miles Franklin award with his latest novel, Breath. I thought it was a nice touch when honouring the other books on the shortlist he suggested that he felt like 'the kid who's left holding the parcel when the music stops'.While Tim Winton couldn't attend the announcement of the winner in person he did prepare a video acceptance speech.
It was interesting to note that Tim Winton used his acceptance speech to defend Australian authors territorial publishing rights in light of the Productivity Commission's review of Copyright Restrictions on the Parallel Importation of Books. This has become quite a hot topic in the Australian book industry as a quick blog search shows.
What about you? Do you have an opinion on this issue? Does the promise of cheaper books outweigh the potential for reduced opportunities for Australian authors to be published, as many authors and book industry professionals have argued?
Drug Action Week 2009
As part of Drug Action Week from 21-27 June 20009 Sutherland Library will be offering a range of free brochures and promotional material dealing with alcohol and illicit drugs. This information is authoritative and accessible. There is some great information for everyone including plenty of material for school projects!Drug Action Week is a national event organised by the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) which aims at raising public awareness on the issues of drinking and drug use within our community. ADCA supports the view that education is a key factor in countering Australia’s drug-related problems.
You will find the Drug Action Week display located near the Information Desk on the ground floor. Just look for the column with the red and white Drug Action Week balloons. For further details please visit http://www.drugactionweek.org.au/.
Library Week Hamper Winner
This lucky Menai branch winner is one of our regular patrons. On receiving our phone call she was shocked and overjoyed, telling us, 'I never win anything'.
Last Chance for Internet Training this Term
We still have a few places remaining in our final Introduction to the Internet and Email course for the term beginning on 23 June 2009.The course is aimed at absolute beginners. You will learn how to find information on the Internet as well as how to send a receive email.
Full details can be found on our Events Calender.
Refugee Film Festival
To commemorate National Refugee Week, this years Refugee Film Festival, will be screening from 15th - 20th June at Sutherland Library.Over the past 60 years, 700,000 refugees and humanitarian migrants have made Australia their home.
Witness the triumphs, tragedies, challenges and opportunities refugees have faced, and continue to face as captured in these moving documentaries.
Come to the Southern lounge, screenings will start at 10am, 12noon, 2pm, and 4pm daily.
Have you used Overdrive? We would like your opinion.
Update 23 June: This survey is now closed.
Thank you for your time.
Living Books waiting to be borrowed!
There will be Living Books at Sutherland Library, ready for borrowing, on Thursday 18th June from 10am - 12 noon.more details
Borrow one (or more) for 1/2 an hour and let them tell you their stories. Every person has a story and our Living Books would like to share theirs with you.
Have you ever read a biography and wished you could ask questions, well with Living Books you can. Listen to experiences of life very different from your own, or learn that there are others dealing with similar issues as yourself.
Living Books cannot be taken home, they are Reference material, and therefore they must be read in the Library. Allow yourself an extra 30 minutes to challenge yourself to something different.
Here's a sample of available Books.
Blessed light in my darkness
Having lost his sight at 21, this Book did not let that deter him from living a full life. He has married, had children and is now enjoying the chaos grandchildren can bring.
A friend introduced him to cycling and until recently has been an avid long distance cycler for pleasure as well as for fund raising for various charitable organisations. Tandem is his bike of choice!
Working as a telephone counsellor he has been able to support and assist many people in their time of need and is active in the local Baptist community.
Success Through Faith And Perseverance
This Book has chosen Australia as his home after experiencing a range of other countries and cultures. Born to Chinese parents in Indonesia under Dutch rule provided an interesting start, , then a new dimension was added after WWII, with the Japanese occupation. He saw the Japanese capitulation and the people’s revolution at first hand which led to Indonesian self rule.
Education was something he had craved, been unable to access, but now could. After receiving a scholarship for University in Holland and work experience in England, he returned to his home country to serve it the best way he could with his aeronautical engineering credentials.
Service to Indonesia did not pay well and with a wife and children now, it was time to choose a new home for the future of his children.
He now works with overseas students and their host families on issues of 'integration with the Aussies', and 'what to expect from your student'. Offering his services where they will help and contributing to build a future progressive modern Australian society.
One of our happy raffle winners

Meet Reg, the lucky winner of Sutherland Library's Hamper.
Antique Jewellery Talk Uncovers Some Treasures
Liz's talk gave an overview on the history of jewellery and several exquisite pieces were passed around. For those who had brought along pieces of jewellery Liz gave verbal valuations including the origins of each piece.
Liz's knowledge and great personality resulted in an afternoon thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Shearers in the Library?
On Wednesday 27th May at 11.00am Sutherland Shire Libraries joined the rest of Australia reading Pete the Sheep by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley. A couple of shearers popped into Sutherland Library and joined in for a very interactive reading story. The kids had a great time and took home their special craft and Pete the Sheep sticker.
East Meets West - Morning Tea with a Chinese Flavour

I’ve always been interested in the concept of learning. Observing an audience being entertained and informed is intriguing. Their individual reactions, body language and response to the speaker are all different. Last Monday Engadine Library provided me with an opportunity to be part of this learning process.
The legend of the Willow Pattern story has existed for a very long time. I was told a vague interpretation of it as small child and subsequently have never forgotten it. The author talk hosted by Engadine Library to celebrate Library & Information Week allowed me to learn even more about this classic tale of young love, greed and revenge.
Translator Jingzhe Li has collaborated with Illustrator Lucienne Fontannaz to produce the Willow Pattern Story. Jingzhe entertained and entranced her audience with her gentle storytelling. It was obvious by their comments that most of the audience already knew some facts about the legend but after 45 mins we knew a great deal more. However, during the morning something special happened. A common thread was woven throughout the audience. A 100 year old embroidered tablecloth or a tea set handed down through generations with the distinctive blue and white Willow pattern design connected people as they chatted about their own stories as memories were evoked and shared.
Hold Fees
The fee applied to holds collected from 1st July 2009
Ensure you don't miss out on the Legal Studies Lecture with Neil Kusi-Appauh on the 25th June - book and pay now! $5.00 only.
Another Successful Booksale
If you came along let us know (leave a comment) what you liked and whether we could have done anything better.
Have Your hearing Tested at Caringbah Library
Australian Hearing will be conducting free hearing screenings at Caringbah Library for seniors, pensioners and DVA clients on 3 June 2009 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.Full pension and Veteran Affairs card holders will receive full screening and fully subsidised services. Other residents will receive a free screening with free advice inlcuding hearing level information, which you can take to you G.P. for a referral.
Bookings are essential - for more information see our Events Calendar.
Premier's Literary Award Winners Announced
Read about all the winners inlcuding the judges comments on the Premier's Literary Awards site.
Antique Jewellery Presentation and Valuations

12 noon - 3pm.
Her talk will cover aspects of antique jewellery including Suffragette jewellery.
If you would like a valuation, bring along a piece of jewellery and Liz will discuss its value, age and any other interesting history relating to the item. There will be a small charge of $5 per item.
Liz can be heard as a regular on 2UE’s Antiques and Collectables program every Saturday morning with John Kerr and is a member of the Australian Antiques & Art Dealers Association as well as being a gemmologist-valuer.
Refreshments will be provided and bookings can be made at any Sutherland Shire Library.