Banned Books Week
This week is Banned Books Week. This is an annual event held primarily in the US to celebrate freedom of expression and reading.Over the years, a number of books have been banned both in Australia and overseas for reasons that include offensive language, sexuality and 'immorality'. Some of these bans have been imposed by schools, churches, States and even National governments.
To celebrate banned books week, how about checking out some of these books that have been banned in the past. They sound too good to pass up:

This is a story told by a 17-year-old boy who has just been kicked out of his 4th school. Throughout the book Holden comments on society with all its 'phoniness'. This book was banned and challenged in numerous US schools for being anti-christian, anti-white and obscene.

This is where the famous idea of 'Big Brother is watching you' came from. Set in a future where the world is ruled by a totalitarian regime complete with the 'Thought Police' this tells the story of those that try to rebel against the system . . . and the consequences of their rebellion. This was actually banned in the USSR for being too anti-communist and banned in Florida for being too communist.

We all know the fantasy story of Frodo and his band of Hobbits, Wizards and Elves on their journey to destroy a powerful ring before it destroys them. If you don't, there are three 3-hour movies you could watch. This was not so much banned but burned outside a community church in the US as it was considered satanic.

The story of a 10-year old boy who is dared to eat 15 worms in 15 days or risk being called a 'chicken' for life. This has been banned in the past as it was felt it promoted inappropriate behaviour in children and gambling.

This series of books for young adults reveals the loves and lives of a group of rich, spoilt teenagers. It has also been made into a TV series. It has been banned in places for references to sex and drugs.
Now over to you.
What do you think of the idea of banning books?
Do you know of any good books that have been banned or challenged by certain institutions that you'd recommend?
Sutherland Shire Libraries Favourite Websites

But did you know we also have lots of online resources that can help you too?
These include, amongst others, our web resources. The web resources are a collection of web sites recommended by the staff of Sutherland Shire Libraries. These websites have been evaluated and are deemed worthy of inclusion in our virtual reference library based on their currency, authority and accuracy. With so much being published online these days it can be very hard to determine what is fact and what is fiction. Let the Library do this for you and check out our web resources for some great information on those pesky school assignments.
There are websites on a wide range of topics including Ancient History, Law and the Sutherland Shire. You can also find some fun sites for Kids with online educational games and printable craft activities.
Check out our web resources on our Delicious account where you can search for all sorts of topics. Alternatively, you can browse the A-Z Subject List on our website. Have fun browsing!
Bundeena Library Reopening Monday
Bundeena Library will reopen on Monday 20th September in the new Bundeena Public School Library. The Library was closed from 20th June for relocation with the School Library. Members can now visit the Library in its new location, browse the collection and borrow.Early World of Learning from World book
As you know Sutherland Shire Library members have had access to World Book online for over a year now. A great way to tackle that 'last minute' school project.Well this week the range of products available, has just increased to include a fantastic new section called "Early World of learning".

The Early World of Learning offers a wealth of resources to help preschoolers and children in the early grades, grasp critical early childhood themes while developing reading and oral language skills.
The Early World of Learning uses narrated stories with word-by-word highlighting, interactive games, interactive reference material for beginners, and more to help young learners build vocabulary, comprehension, phonics, and reading fluency.
There are three ways to engage preschoolers;
Trek's Travel's - makes an adventure out of learning about colour, numbers, size, places, opposites and more.
Welcome to Reading - uses read aloud books, along with stories, games, songs and activities.
Know It - looks at areas of interest like body parts, weather, animals and community workers.
To take a look...follow the World Book Online link.
Choose World Book Online from the 'Databases by Title' dropdown box.
Click on Search
Then click on Search from Home (have your library card handy!)
Enter the barcode from the back of your card (without any spaces)
You will then be at the World Book portal where you can see all the products you can access.
Early World of Learning is on the far right.
Click on the image....
.....and start having fun!
Fairydust at Engadine Library
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Babies and Parents
Kids and Parents
Parent Information Sessions
School Holidays

Here she is with two of our happy fairy assistants helping her to spread the magic around.
Sutherland Shire Libraries hold many other regular and special activities for our young customers. Come and join the fun.
Today is Suicide Prevention day
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.Today 7 Australians will die by suicide.
More than 65,000 serious suicide attempts will be made in 2010.
Regardless of what is portrayed and what you may perceive, suicide can affect anyone. It affect individuals. It affects their families. It affects their freinds and colleagues.
It is not a topic most people talk about, it is not high profile , but did you know you can make a difference? Giving help to someone in a sad space is not that difficult. It may be a bit uncomfortable but, so is guilt after suicide even if you tried to help.
What can you personally do? Today you are asked to get to know the signs of suicide. This is so important, given that 1 in 5, now suffer from depression. So look at your family and friends. Who
may be suffering from depression? Stress, anxiety, lack of control, can all be factors which lead someone to be at risk.
More information on signs, how to get help and how to give help, can be found at Suicide Prevention Australia
Or investigate the links and factsheets on the website for World Suicide Prevention Day - Resources promotion of the issue.
Wesley Lifeforce, provide the following as a guide, for how to deal with someone who you think may be at risk;
See the warning signs
Ask the person about suicidal intentions
Listen to the answer
Tell the person where they can get qualified help.
Suicide is a preventable cause of death, prepare yourself to fight against if needed.
Book Week Fun @ Caringbah Library
Primary and Preschools in the Caringbah area have enjoyed local library staff Paul, Melissa and Samantha perform a couple of the short listed Children's Book of the Year titles as part of this years Book Week presentations and activities. Paul has been appearing as Nicholas Ickle, the star of Nick Bland's The Wrong Book which was short listed for the "Picture Book - Early Childhood" category, while Melissa and Sam have been receiving a great response getting into the characters of Chook and Bear from the same categories eventual winner Bear & Chook by the Sea from Lisa Shanahan & Emma Quay.Check out Sutherland Shire Libraries Photostream on Flickr for more photos of our Book Week celebrations.
Read and Write Reviews @
Do you need inspiration for that next good book, DVD or sound recording?Do you like writing reviews or always wanted to try?
Then take a look at - a new blog for anyone who likes books, DVDs or music. On this blog, you can read and comment on reviews or sign up to write your own - all contributions are welcome! This is a blog designed for the whole community - kids, teens and adults. Reviews can be browsed by genre or type including historical fiction, horror or even award winners. Great for book/movie club ideas!
So what are you waiting for?
Go to today and take part in this great, new online community.
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