Bundeena Library Update

The exact date for reopening is dependent on the delivery of the shelving that is being generously provided by The Department of Education.
There are currently no return facilities at Bundeena however all Sutherland Shire Libraries items may be returned to any other branch library.
Renewals can be done by ringing Sutherland Library or via My Account or renew loans on the library website.
Parenting Information Session: General Behaviour Issues and School Readiness
Do you have a child starting school next year?Not sure how to prepare them for this new stage in their lives?
Come along to this free information session at Engadine Library and learn about school readiness and behaviour issues with Kim Pastor.
Kim is a Psychologist specialising in children and adolescent developmental issues. Kim is also registered to deliver the 123 Magic and Engaging Adolescents programs.
The session will cover:
- General Behaviour issues
- School Readiness: from preschool to Kindergarten
- Understanding the role of the school counsellor
When: Tuesday 13th July
Where: Engadine Library
Time: 10.30am-11.30am
Cost: Free
For more information call 95486003
Bundeena Library Temporary Relocation Closure
Monday 28th June 2010 until further notice
Holds may be collected from Sutherland Library until Bundeena Library reopens in its new location. Any items that are due for return may be renewed by phoning Sutherland Library
All enquiries please ring 9710 0351
Sorry for any inconvenience
Trial search tool for you to try out
We invite our library website customers to try out this search tool and leave us a comment. You must have a valid Sutherland Shire Library card to access this trial.
The trial is a joint initiative with The State Library of NSW and EBSCO, a major provider of online information.
Library Week 2010 Menai
Martin Boyce
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Mr Ray McInerney was very happy patron last week when he won the Library Week hamper at Menai (seen here receiving his prize from Bronwyn).
Wrap With Love Knit In 2010
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Cronulla Library
Engadine Library
Sylvania Library
Wrap With Love

Shire knitters and groups had been busy knitting squares and making them into wraps to be sent to people around the world who are affected by the cold.
Thanks to those knitters who joined us at their library and to those who brought in completed squares and wraps. A special thank you to Jannali/Como Rotary Club who brought in the very colourful wraps shown here in the photos.
Get a head start on 2011 Wrap With Love......
If you love to knit or crochet or you would like to learn Cronulla, Engadine and Sylvania Libraries hold regular knitting groups. Knitters or would be knitters of all levels of abiltiy and ages are invited to meet in a relaxed, welcoming and social setting.
Cronulla Library
2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Engadine Library
1st Tuesday of each month
Sylvania Library
2nd Friday of each month
Menai Night Time Storytime
Martin Boyce
Monday, June 07, 2010
Just a quick update. On the night of Monday 24th Menai hosted a Night time Storytime. We had a great turnout with 30 something eager Pyjama wearing children. We all enjoyed the songs, the stories, a film, and Kelly's unique Dream Catcher craft. A fun night!
Australian Refugee Film Festival

To acknowledge Refugee Week 21st June - 26th June, Sutherland Library will be showing the films from the Australian Refugee Film Festival.
These films will first screen on the 19th June, at the Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, Sydney 2pm - 5pm to mark the opening of Refugee Week.
They are then coming to Sutherland Library! Starting on Monday the 21st June and continuing until Saturday 26th June, there will be 3 daily screenings at 10am, 2pm and 6.30pm Monday to Friday, and 2 screenings on Saturday at 10am and 1.30pm.
Nine short films with a total runtime of 2 hours & 12 minutes, provide insight into a variety of aspects of being one of the 9.2 million refugees across the world today.
So join us at 10am Monday 21st June, for the launch of the following films:
KudualFilm on Sydney's Dinka Community
Starting Point
Film on a refugee transition school in the UK
Something to Exchange: a Dialogue Between Old and New
MigrantsA film from the Plural + Youth Film FestivalWarda
A film from the Plural + Youth Film Festival
Steps to Freedom
A Film on the Burma conflict
SlavesA film on the Sudan conflict
Giraffe in the rainA film on the general asylum seeker situation
A film from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne
One FamilyA film from the refugee documentary project in New York
KudualFilm on Sydney's Dinka Community
Starting Point
Film on a refugee transition school in the UK
Something to Exchange: a Dialogue Between Old and New
MigrantsA film from the Plural + Youth Film FestivalWarda
A film from the Plural + Youth Film Festival
Steps to Freedom
A Film on the Burma conflict
SlavesA film on the Sudan conflict
Giraffe in the rainA film on the general asylum seeker situation
A film from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne
One FamilyA film from the refugee documentary project in New York
Contact Sutherland Library for details 9710 0351
Parent Support Information Session - Toilet Training
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Babies and Parents
Engadine Library
Kids and Parents
Parent Information Sessions
Would you like some easy to understand information and tips?
Come along to Engadine Library and hear Catherine Conyngham talk about the signs of readiness for toilet training.
Catherine is a trained Karitane Mothercraft Nurse, Triple P Facilitator, Certificate IV in Training and Parentcraft Educator.
Where: Engadine Library
When: Tuesday 15th June
Time: 10.30am-11.30am
Cost Free - no bookings necessary - All welcome
More information 9548 6003
National Cyber Security Awareness Week June 6 - 11, 2010

Key messages and activities during the Week will put the spotlight on the the growing number of devices that we all now use to access the Internet, our increasing use of WiFi, the more complex range of transactions we do online, and as the result, our need for better security and more care about the information we share online about ourselves and others.
For further information about some simple things people can do to protect themselves online, see Stay Smart Online.
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