National Stroke Week 2009

National Stroke Week is held each year to provide continuing public education about stroke awareness and prevention in the community.
This year the new FAST campaign is being launched to help people recognise the early signs of stroke. The FAST test involves asking three simple questions.

Face - Check the face. Has their mouth drooped?
Arms - Can they lift both arms?
Speech - Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
Time - Time is critical. If you see any of these signs, call 000 now.

To assist in the promotion of the signs of stroke, a Clinical Nurse Educator from Kareena Hospital will be available at Sutherland Library to measure blood pressure and to give advise on stroke prevention.

When and where?

Tuesday 15th September and Wednesday 16th September 2009
10am - midday

Sutherland Library
30-36 Belmont Street
ph 9710 0351