Want to read something easy, funny but unpredictable?

Or are you keen to get stuck into a long, sad, larger than life, demanding read? Either way how do you find it? A great website called Whichbook.net can help you locate your next read by the way it will play with your emotions, rather than by the content.

Choose four variables and where on the scale for each (eg. from Gentle to Violent), you want the book to be. A review will then be given of one title and an extract so you can get a taste of it, and a few other options are also listed.

Once you have a title you will need to check whether Sutherland Shire Libraries hold the title, or decide if you want us to Interlibrary Loan it from another library service for you. If not, then choose other options until you find one we hold.

This site and others, which help you to choose books you will enjoy, are linked from our Reader's Guide page. Here you will also find here some tips on authors who write like....? and new books, adult fiction and non-fiction, CD's, DVD's, travel guides, young adult, junior, graphic novels, large print and Mills & Boon titles, added to the library collection over the last month.