Prints by Sharon Langhans
The display of Sharon Langhan's prints at Sutherland Library showcase various printmaking techniques. Sharon's underlying influence for her choice of subject of her prints is the natural beauty of Sutherland Shire's beaches and waterways.
A selection of Sharon's prints are on display during July and August so come along and see them on the Southern Lounge Wall of Art at the rear of the library. You won't be disappointed.
HSC Legal Studies News Watch
Interested in finding out what's been in the news about the law? Are you studying HSC Legal Studies and need help identifying recent legal issues?
The Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) at the State Library of NSW have created a news watch service to help you find information about recent changes to the law, recent cases and new legislation.
The Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) at the State Library of NSW have created a news watch service to help you find information about recent changes to the law, recent cases and new legislation.
An Extra HSC Lecture for Society and Culture
Due to the overwhelming popularity of our series of HSC Lectures we have squeezed in another one before the end of term.On 7 July former Shire resident and school teacher Bernie Howitt will be giving Society and Culture students advice about finishing your PIP (Personal Interest Project) and preparing for the HSC.
Bernie Howitt is a co author of the Heinemann Society and Culture text, an experienced head teacher, senior marker, lecturer, rock historian and writer. In addition Bernie was part of the team that wrote the current Society and Culture syllabus.
Bookings are essential. These HSC lectures have proven extremely popular so check out the Events Calendar for the full details and reserve your place ASAP.
You might also want to snap up one of the last few places remaining in the Legal Studies talk being held this Thursday, 25 June.
Fantastic News for iPod Owners
Martin Boyce
Monday, June 22, 2009
Digital Downloads
Kids and Parents
You can now play OverDrive WMA (Windows Media Audio) audiobooks from Sutherland Shire Libraries Digital Downloads on your iPod. Until now iPod owners have been limited to mp3 format audio books from our Digital Downloads collection due to rights issues, which has meant that iPod owners have missed out on many of the best sellers and most popular audio books. (Typically mp3 files have been restricted to classics and out-of-copyright titles)That has just changed!
Nearly all OverDrive WMA Audiobooks in our download collection are now compatible with the iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPod nano, as well as Zune and thousands of other portable devices.
To access this new functionality all you have to do is upgrade OverDrive Media Console to version 3.2 on Windows PCs.
There are a few requirements for transfering WMA audiobooks to Apple devices, which you can read about in the Overdrive Help.
OverDrive Media Console's enhanced Transfer Wizard will expand the largest selection of iPod-compatible audiobook titles for libraries by making the vast majority of existing audiobook titles playable on Apple devices.
Tim Winton's 'Breath' Wins Miles Franklin Award
Last night Tim Winton won an unprecedented 4th Miles Franklin award with his latest novel, Breath. I thought it was a nice touch when honouring the other books on the shortlist he suggested that he felt like 'the kid who's left holding the parcel when the music stops'.While Tim Winton couldn't attend the announcement of the winner in person he did prepare a video acceptance speech.
It was interesting to note that Tim Winton used his acceptance speech to defend Australian authors territorial publishing rights in light of the Productivity Commission's review of Copyright Restrictions on the Parallel Importation of Books. This has become quite a hot topic in the Australian book industry as a quick blog search shows.
What about you? Do you have an opinion on this issue? Does the promise of cheaper books outweigh the potential for reduced opportunities for Australian authors to be published, as many authors and book industry professionals have argued?
Drug Action Week 2009
As part of Drug Action Week from 21-27 June 20009 Sutherland Library will be offering a range of free brochures and promotional material dealing with alcohol and illicit drugs. This information is authoritative and accessible. There is some great information for everyone including plenty of material for school projects!Drug Action Week is a national event organised by the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) which aims at raising public awareness on the issues of drinking and drug use within our community. ADCA supports the view that education is a key factor in countering Australia’s drug-related problems.
You will find the Drug Action Week display located near the Information Desk on the ground floor. Just look for the column with the red and white Drug Action Week balloons. For further details please visit
Library Week Hamper Winner
During Library Week, 25-29 May, all visitors to Menai Library were entered into our lucky hamper draw.
This lucky Menai branch winner is one of our regular patrons. On receiving our phone call she was shocked and overjoyed, telling us, 'I never win anything'.
This lucky Menai branch winner is one of our regular patrons. On receiving our phone call she was shocked and overjoyed, telling us, 'I never win anything'.
Last Chance for Internet Training this Term
We still have a few places remaining in our final Introduction to the Internet and Email course for the term beginning on 23 June 2009.The course is aimed at absolute beginners. You will learn how to find information on the Internet as well as how to send a receive email.
Full details can be found on our Events Calender.
Refugee Film Festival
To commemorate National Refugee Week, this years Refugee Film Festival, will be screening from 15th - 20th June at Sutherland Library.Over the past 60 years, 700,000 refugees and humanitarian migrants have made Australia their home.
Witness the triumphs, tragedies, challenges and opportunities refugees have faced, and continue to face as captured in these moving documentaries.
Come to the Southern lounge, screenings will start at 10am, 12noon, 2pm, and 4pm daily.
Have you used Overdrive? We would like your opinion.
Update 23 June: This survey is now closed.
Thank you for your time.
Living Books waiting to be borrowed!
There will be Living Books at Sutherland Library, ready for borrowing, on Thursday 18th June from 10am - 12 noon.more details
Borrow one (or more) for 1/2 an hour and let them tell you their stories. Every person has a story and our Living Books would like to share theirs with you.
Have you ever read a biography and wished you could ask questions, well with Living Books you can. Listen to experiences of life very different from your own, or learn that there are others dealing with similar issues as yourself.
Living Books cannot be taken home, they are Reference material, and therefore they must be read in the Library. Allow yourself an extra 30 minutes to challenge yourself to something different.
Here's a sample of available Books.
Blessed light in my darkness
Having lost his sight at 21, this Book did not let that deter him from living a full life. He has married, had children and is now enjoying the chaos grandchildren can bring.
A friend introduced him to cycling and until recently has been an avid long distance cycler for pleasure as well as for fund raising for various charitable organisations. Tandem is his bike of choice!
Working as a telephone counsellor he has been able to support and assist many people in their time of need and is active in the local Baptist community.
Success Through Faith And Perseverance
This Book has chosen Australia as his home after experiencing a range of other countries and cultures. Born to Chinese parents in Indonesia under Dutch rule provided an interesting start, , then a new dimension was added after WWII, with the Japanese occupation. He saw the Japanese capitulation and the people’s revolution at first hand which led to Indonesian self rule.
Education was something he had craved, been unable to access, but now could. After receiving a scholarship for University in Holland and work experience in England, he returned to his home country to serve it the best way he could with his aeronautical engineering credentials.
Service to Indonesia did not pay well and with a wife and children now, it was time to choose a new home for the future of his children.
He now works with overseas students and their host families on issues of 'integration with the Aussies', and 'what to expect from your student'. Offering his services where they will help and contributing to build a future progressive modern Australian society.
One of our happy raffle winners

Meet Reg, the lucky winner of Sutherland Library's Hamper.
Antique Jewellery Talk Uncovers Some Treasures
Liz's talk gave an overview on the history of jewellery and several exquisite pieces were passed around. For those who had brought along pieces of jewellery Liz gave verbal valuations including the origins of each piece.
Liz's knowledge and great personality resulted in an afternoon thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Shearers in the Library?
Library Week wrap part 2 - The Libraries and Schools across the nation join together to promote literacy during National Simultaneous Storytime.
On Wednesday 27th May at 11.00am Sutherland Shire Libraries joined the rest of Australia reading Pete the Sheep by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley. A couple of shearers popped into Sutherland Library and joined in for a very interactive reading story. The kids had a great time and took home their special craft and Pete the Sheep sticker.
On Wednesday 27th May at 11.00am Sutherland Shire Libraries joined the rest of Australia reading Pete the Sheep by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley. A couple of shearers popped into Sutherland Library and joined in for a very interactive reading story. The kids had a great time and took home their special craft and Pete the Sheep sticker.
East Meets West - Morning Tea with a Chinese Flavour

Library Week wrap part 1 - Were you at the Willow Pattern Story Author talk and Morning tea last Monday at Engadine Library?
I’ve always been interested in the concept of learning. Observing an audience being entertained and informed is intriguing. Their individual reactions, body language and response to the speaker are all different. Last Monday Engadine Library provided me with an opportunity to be part of this learning process.
The legend of the Willow Pattern story has existed for a very long time. I was told a vague interpretation of it as small child and subsequently have never forgotten it. The author talk hosted by Engadine Library to celebrate Library & Information Week allowed me to learn even more about this classic tale of young love, greed and revenge.
Translator Jingzhe Li has collaborated with Illustrator Lucienne Fontannaz to produce the Willow Pattern Story. Jingzhe entertained and entranced her audience with her gentle storytelling. It was obvious by their comments that most of the audience already knew some facts about the legend but after 45 mins we knew a great deal more. However, during the morning something special happened. A common thread was woven throughout the audience. A 100 year old embroidered tablecloth or a tea set handed down through generations with the distinctive blue and white Willow pattern design connected people as they chatted about their own stories as memories were evoked and shared.
I’ve always been interested in the concept of learning. Observing an audience being entertained and informed is intriguing. Their individual reactions, body language and response to the speaker are all different. Last Monday Engadine Library provided me with an opportunity to be part of this learning process.
The legend of the Willow Pattern story has existed for a very long time. I was told a vague interpretation of it as small child and subsequently have never forgotten it. The author talk hosted by Engadine Library to celebrate Library & Information Week allowed me to learn even more about this classic tale of young love, greed and revenge.
Translator Jingzhe Li has collaborated with Illustrator Lucienne Fontannaz to produce the Willow Pattern Story. Jingzhe entertained and entranced her audience with her gentle storytelling. It was obvious by their comments that most of the audience already knew some facts about the legend but after 45 mins we knew a great deal more. However, during the morning something special happened. A common thread was woven throughout the audience. A 100 year old embroidered tablecloth or a tea set handed down through generations with the distinctive blue and white Willow pattern design connected people as they chatted about their own stories as memories were evoked and shared.
Penny @ Engadine Library
Hold Fees
invisible woman
Monday, June 01, 2009
Caringbah Library
Cronulla Library
Engadine Library
Menai Library
Miranda Library
Sylvania Library
Please be advised that as of 1st July 2009 the Hold Fee will be $1.00 in accordance with Sutherland Shire Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges for the year ending June 2010.The fee applied to holds collected from 1st July 2009
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