Want to read something easy, funny but unpredictable?
Or are you keen to get stuck into a long, sad, larger than life, demanding read? Either way how do you find it? A great website called Whichbook.net can help you locate your next read by the way it will play with your emotions, rather than by the content.Choose four variables and where on the scale for each (eg. from Gentle to Violent), you want the book to be. A review will then be given of one title and an extract so you can get a taste of it, and a few other options are also listed.
Once you have a title you will need to check whether Sutherland Shire Libraries hold the title, or decide if you want us to Interlibrary Loan it from another library service for you. If not, then choose other options until you find one we hold.
This site and others, which help you to choose books you will enjoy, are linked from our Reader's Guide page. Here you will also find here some tips on authors who write like....? and new books, adult fiction and non-fiction, CD's, DVD's, travel guides, young adult, junior, graphic novels, large print and Mills & Boon titles, added to the library collection over the last month.
Menai Santa Visit
Martin Boyce
Monday, December 21, 2009
As you all know Santa has been doing his rounds this month, visiting our branches. We at Menai had our turn on Wednesday two weeks ago. Santa showed what a big reader he was by selecting a few books as he walked in. Excited kids delivered their wish-lists and stickers were handed out. Goodwill having been spread a satisfied Santa left the building, one mince pie in hand (or mouth!).
Summer Reading Club - Read on the Wild Side to Win

This year's Summer Reading Club theme is Read on the Wild Side. As always there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs in our major draw as well as incentives like tattoos and wristbands along the way. Sink you teeth into some great books and dazzle your teacher by how much your reading has improved over the summer break.
Join up at any Sutherland Shire Library and receive a start up kit with some fun activity sheets and your unique registration code. Grab some books and get started.
The program is open to anyone 0-12 years old. Those attending high school in 2010 can join our Teen Reading Club.
The Summer Reading Club runs from Monday 14th December until Sunday 7th February.
Take a break this Christmas at Miranda Library
invisible woman
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Why not visit Miranda Library? If you want to relax and read a newspaper, find a new book to read, surf the web or even borrow a DVD or CD or just sit and rest, come and visit us.
You may care to check out Miranda library's latest display of 'list books'. Have a look at 1001 historic sites, 1001 ideas for kitchen organisation, 1001 ideas for patio and decks or 1001 foods.
Miranda Library also has various activities for children during December and January.
Monday 14th December 10am -2pm Drop In Christmas Craft
Monday 14th December - 7th Feb Summer Reading Club
Wednesday 6th January 10.30am On the Wild Side activity
Miranda Library now has CDs for loan. Come and have a look or check our catalogue for CDs at other branches.
Staff have been busy rearranging our books to whet your appetite for all those books that were at the back of the library.
So if you have never visited Miranda Library and were wondering where it is, have a look at the Sutherland Library website which has all branch locations and other interesting information about your libraries.
Miranda staff look forward to seeing you.
Holidaying over the Christmas period?
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Why not suspend your Hold Requests so that they do not become available whilst you are away?You get to choose the date when when they become active again. Perhaps a few days before you return. This means you won’t miss out on that eagerly awaited bestseller and you keep your place in the queue. Go to the Sutherland Library website, and under the menu option My Library choose, My Account and login with your membership number and pin. Click on Hold Requests, highlight your holds and put in the date you wish to suspend until. Click the Change Staus button and the Status of your requests will become Suspended.
Alternatively ring your local branch and they can suspend your holds requests for you.
Sutherland Library loan periods have been extended from the 4th of December so that anything borrowed between the 4th - 15th December will not fall due until January 5th, meaning there is no need to worry about overdue items between Christmas and New Year. (This does not apply to loans of items borrowed from other library services. Due dates on these items stay as advised. Please contact InterLibrary Loans for renewal)
Engadine Knitters First Meeting

Amid Christmas shopping and all the other events at this time of the year, the staff were delighted to host 12 keen and clever ladies both young and old, who were very enthusiastic about this new incentive. Those in attendance guaranteed to bring friends along to the meetings planned for next year.
This informal group plans to meet on the first Tuesday of the month between 10.30 and 12 noon at Engadine Library. Knitters and would-be knitters are invited to join this group. Come and enjoy a chat , swap patterns or get tips and advice from more seasoned knitters.
For further information and meeting dates
ph. 9548 6003
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