iBLURB for Kiddies 3

Quote: "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." — Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

YUCK!  That’s not a Monster!    by Angela McAllister & Alison Edgson
Mr and Mrs Monster were very proud of their three eggs. Mr Monster kept them warm by huffing with his hot, stinky breath. Mrs Monster screeched to them. When Mr & Mrs Monster’s three eggs hatch, the first two monsters are FRIGHTFUL and HORRID. Mr and Mrs Monster are delighted!  But the third monster hatches – and he’s fluffy and cute and PINK!  Oh No …   (Sometimes … being different can be VERY handy indeed)

Wombat Stew  by Marcia K. Vaughan & Pamela Lofts
One day, on the banks of a billabong, a very clever dingo caught a wombat …
and decided to make …
Wombat Stew, Wombat Stew,
Gooey, brewy, yummy, chewy,
Wom-bat Stew!

However, when wombat’s friends decide to help, things go very wrong for dingo. (Dingo is a try-hard Master Chef - using a distinctly Aussie cuisine) 

The Terrible Plop  by Ursula Dubosarsky & Andrew Joyner  
Here is the story of the terrible PLOP,
With a bear and a rabbit
and a hop, hop, hop.
But what is the PLOP
And where does it hide?
Open the book and look inside…

Some cute little rabbits are sitting by a lake munching and crunching on chocolate cake when ‘Suddenly comes A Terrible PLOP.' The rabbits, all terrified - take off! Hopping so very fast, they gather an increasingly panicked group of animals along the way. All of them terrified of the ensuing terrible PLOP. The audience of course can see exactly what the PLOP is, an apple falling from the tree into the lake.  (A whole new take on – ‘the sky is falling’)

Clever Quip: Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word - what YOU shouldn't have said. ~ Author Unknown