New Items Lists Update

The New Items lists that were available in the previous library system were very popular with our members.

These lists were a function that was built into the old library system. Unfortunately, the library's new computer system does not have the same built in functionality.

The Library fully intends to re-introduce the New Items lists, although they may be in a different format. We need to firstly ensure the data/records that were migrated from the old system to the new system is completely correct and up to date. Then we need to work with the functionality available in the new system to create new items lists.

This is taking a little longer than we had hoped as there has been some issues hanging over from the data migration that need to be resolved first. For instance, since all the collection records were added to the new system on the same date (of migration - 21 June 2012) everything in the system was equally 'new'. Some weeks have passed now and we are able to start seeing new records being added to the collection.

We have begun work on a preliminary version of a list of New Adult Fiction at the library, however, this needs some more work to ensure that the search logic we are using is indeed showing new items added to the collection. Once we are happy that this list is correct we will make it available publicly. It should also be relatively straight forward to extend the same process to other collections, eg. new Biographies, etc.

We apologise that the New Items lists are taking so long to restore and appreciate your patience while we craft a solution.  Keep your eye on our website over the coming weeks and you should see the new items lists returning shortly, in one form or another.