Its Never Too Late... To Learn To Read, Writing Competition
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The National Year of Reading has created a fantastic opportunity for new, emerging and established Australian writers. Its never too learn to read is a short story competition with potential to help those 46% adults who struggle with literacy. As part of Adult Learners Week, 2012, you are invited to write a short story (3,000 words or less), which achieves the goal of supporting and encouraging more adults to learn to read. The aim is to inspire, excite and challenge the reader, highlighting the fact it's never too late... to learn to read. If you are interested, get writing, and enter your story online by 6 August, 2012 at 5pm. You can find out more at Its Never too Late... to Learn to Read- National Year of Reading. Winners will being announced publicly during The Reading Hour, 25 August, 2012.