Discover Fantasy novels
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Monday, July 02, 2012
The July theme for The National Year of Reading, 2012 is Discover, making this is the perfect month to discover new genres to read. To celebrate this theme, each week the Library will feature a different genre that you may like to discover more about.
This week, discover fantasy novels, and celebrate the power of imagination.

Discover make-believe worlds filled with castles, dungeons, dwarfs, dragons, unicorns, knights, witches, wizards, and of course, magic. To help you your quest of discovery at the library, the fantasy novels are those that have a dragon genre label on the spine.
Here are some well known authors of the fantasy genre to get you started on your journey of discovery.
Fantasy Author List
Terry Brooks
*Trudi Canavan
*Celia Dart-Thornton
*Sara Douglass
David Eddings
*Jennifer Fallon
Raymond E. Feist
Neil Gaiman
Terry Goodkind
Robin Hobb
Robert Jordan
Stephen King
Ursula K. Le Guin
C. S. Lewis
George R.R. Martin
Anne McCaffery
*Fiona McIntosh
Karen Miller
Garth Nix
Terry Pratchett
*Tansy Rayner Roberts
J.K. Rowlings
J. R.R Tolkien
*Australian Authors