2016 CBCA Book of the Year Awards: Early Childhood Shortlist

It's Children's Book Week 20-26 August ! Checkout the shortlisted books for each award, each day this week. The winners will be announced Friday 19 August.
2016 Early Childhood Shortlisted books
Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas / Aaron Blabey (Illust: Aaron Blabey)
‘Hey there guys. Would you like a banana?’
‘What’s wrong with you. Brian? You’re a piranha.’
Brian loves bananas. Trouble is, Brian’s a piranha. And his friends aren’t happy about his fondness for fruit...
Ollie and the Wind/ Ronojoy Ghosh
Sometimes the best things appear out of thin air...
The wind blows all day on Ollie’s island. There aren’t many people around, but there’s lots of space to play.
One day the wind steals Ollie’s hat. Then it darts away with his scarf. But is the wind just naughty, or is it trying to tell Ollie something?
My Dog Bigsy/ Alison Lester

Meet my dog Bigsy. He's only small, but everyone knows he's the boss.Each morning he visits the animals on the farm.Squawk, neigh, quack, moo, baa, oink, cluck, purr, ruff ruff ruff!What a lot of noise! And all because of Bigsy!
Perfect /Danny Parker (Illust: Freya Blackwood)

On a perfect day, the hours stretch endlessly ahead.. Danny Parker's evocative verse expresses the freedom of an idyllic childhood, and paintings by Freya Blackwood magically evoke the light, scents and feel of a perfect summer day.
Mr Huff /Anna Walker

Bill is having a bad day. Mr Huff is following him around and making everything seem difficult. Bill tries to get rid of him, but Mr Huff just gets bigger and bigger! Then they both stop, and a surprising thing happens ... Gentle and poignant, affirming and wise, Mr Huff is a story about the clouds and the sunshine in each of our lives.
The Cow Tripped Over The Moon/ Tony Wilson (Illust: Laura Wood)

Hey diddle diddle You all know the riddle A cow jumps over the moon... But the moon is very high in the sky. How many attempts will it take before Cow makes her famous high-flying leap?