Share Your Story - Your Library is...


This year is the 60 year celebrations 
of the Sutherland Shire Library service. As part of those celebrations the library is interested in gathering your thoughts about the service, what it is that the library provides for you, and your memories of the service over the years you have been one of our customers.

You may already be aware of the online photo trail which was put together to show off the original shire library buildings and the staff who ran them. They are also a good snapshot of fashion…in both clothes and the interior of public buildings! Please fill out the online form created so you can Share your Memories.

During the last week Sutherland staff created a great opportunity for you to tell them what you thought. The foyer wall was covered with a blank sheet of paper, textas were supplied, and the rest was left to our customers. The end of a week saw the wall well covered with positive prose, and the odd picture. It was lovely to read all the messages you had for the Sutherland Shire Library service and libraries in general.

Thanks to all of you for letting the library know how you feel.