Starting to study? Find relevant, current research
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Saturday, February 01, 2014
Knowing where to start to locate research to support arguments for essays or assignments can be fraught with angst. Sutherland Shire Libraries have Research Databases in our Online Collections, which can make it easy.
Sutherland Library Service subscribes to many databases to which current library members have access, both in the library and at home. The library's biggest (but by no means the only) providers are:
Proquest - ABI/Inform Global, Proquest Australia & New Zealand Newstand, Proquest Research Library and Proquest Science Journals.
EbscoHost - ANZ Reference Center, Consumer Health Complete, Greenfile,Literary Reference Center, Masterfile Premier, Science Reference Center, Academic Search Elite, Points of view reference centre.
These can be searched singly for a targeted result or simultaneously for a broad result.
Australian Public Affairs - Full Text or APA-FT comes from Informit. It offers articles from over 500 Australian academic journals.
On the Research Databases page one can look for a particular database, or do
a search and decide which one to use further by the number of hits retrieved.
Once one has results, the search can be refined using the facets
on the left hand side.
Your library card number and pin number will be required to actually
view the article.
A library home page search will also retrieve articles. It will produce
a list of items held by the library service, the first 3 of which are items
in the collections. The next 3 results are article titles retrieved from the
library's subscription databases.
Follow the links to retrieve the article itself.
Once you are familiar with the databases you may wish to start
in your favourite. Locate the Research Databases page and scroll
down the alphabetical list until you find the one you want and click
Start Searching. In each database you will find features which can
be used to tailor your experience.
Each database is slightly different, but all have very similar features.
The picture below highlights some of the options available for creating
and managing your searches, look for them in any database you use.
There are very useful features once you are on the detail page
of the article as well.
Contact the library for further information about this service and
minimise your research stress.
Sutherland Library Service subscribes to many databases to which current library members have access, both in the library and at home. The library's biggest (but by no means the only) providers are:

EbscoHost - ANZ Reference Center, Consumer Health Complete, Greenfile,Literary Reference Center, Masterfile Premier, Science Reference Center, Academic Search Elite, Points of view reference centre.
These can be searched singly for a targeted result or simultaneously for a broad result.
Australian Public Affairs - Full Text or APA-FT comes from Informit. It offers articles from over 500 Australian academic journals.
On the Research Databases page one can look for a particular database, or do
a search and decide which one to use further by the number of hits retrieved.
Once one has results, the search can be refined using the facets
on the left hand side.
Your library card number and pin number will be required to actually
view the article.
A library home page search will also retrieve articles. It will produce
a list of items held by the library service, the first 3 of which are items
in the collections. The next 3 results are article titles retrieved from the
library's subscription databases.
Follow the links to retrieve the article itself.
Once you are familiar with the databases you may wish to start
in your favourite. Locate the Research Databases page and scroll
down the alphabetical list until you find the one you want and click
Start Searching. In each database you will find features which can
be used to tailor your experience.
Each database is slightly different, but all have very similar features.
The picture below highlights some of the options available for creating
and managing your searches, look for them in any database you use.
There are very useful features once you are on the detail page
of the article as well.
Contact the library for further information about this service and
minimise your research stress.