Read and Think

The National Year of Reading theme for March is Think. This month is the time to think about what you are reading, and consider reading something that makes you think, whether its laterally-outside the box, critically, creatively or constructively.

Here are some books that make you think.
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Lone wolf by Jodi Piccoult
Brave new world by Aldous Huxley
The alchemist by Paul Coelho
The 19th wife by David Ebershoff
We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver
The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
The handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood
The shack by William P. Young
Non Fiction
Dr Karl's brain food by Karl Kruszelnicki
How is the internet changing the way you think by John Brockman
30 second philosophies: The 50 most thought provoking philosophies each explained in half a minute edited by Barry Loewer
The LEGO idea book: you can build anything by Daniel Lipkowitz
The end of money: From cellphones to superdollars, a globetrotting search for the future of cash by David Wolman.

What do you think of these books? Tell us what else you've read that's made you think.

Photo credit: "Globe" by Flickr user carrotmadman6