Do you think you've got no time to read? Think again!
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Monday, March 19, 2012
2012 readers advisory
Think theme National Year of Reading

So you think you don’t have time to read? Think again!
Here's a short list of tips to get you thinking about how you can get reading:
• Just do it.
Pick up a newspaper or a magazine. Read a twitter post or a recipe. Keep reading this blog (it's short). Whatever you read, for however long you read it, whether it's a couple of minutes or a couple of hours, it all counts as reading.
• Swap something else for reading.
Read instead of watching TV, or swap surfing the net for reading an e-book. (You can download them free from the library via Overdrive).
• Read one page a time.
You don’t have to read a lot, just a little bit at a time. Try reading an article, or even one or two pages of a book. Those couple of pages may be all it takes to get you hooked on a book.
• Keep it short.
Read a short story, or a short book. Try one of the less-than-200 page Quick Reads, a collection of novellas by well-known authors available from the library.
• Just ten minutes a day.
Aim to read for ten minutes a day. Early in the morning, at morning tea, afternoon tea or lunch time, in the bath or before bed.
• Seize the moment.
Take a book, or an e-reader (loaded up with those books you’ve been wanting to read) with you everywhere, to give yourself more opportunities to read.
• Listen.
Download an audio book onto your ipod and listen while you exercise, cook or garden. Try listening to a CD audio book as you drive.
• Learn to speed read.
Read more in less time!
• Read about what you love.
Reading the genres and topics that interest you, means you’re more likely to keep reading it –and to finish it.
• Read to someone.
Take the time to read a bedtime story to a child. A great way to spend some quality time together and create a reading habit; a gift that can last a lifetime.
Would you like to be read to? Come along to Adult Storytime at Sutherland Library (bring your lunch), the first Wednesday of each month from 1.00pm. Listen as library staff read short stories to you during your lunch break.
photocredit: Flickr user Moriza "On the platform reading"