CBCA Book of the Year 2011 - Short List Announced

The winners for each category are announced during Book Week (this year being held from 20th - 26th August) - a week where schools and public Libraries across Australia celebrate all things bookish, including the book week winners.
Now without further ado, here is the short list for 2011.
Which book is your favourite?
Older Readers (these books are for mature readers)
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
The Midnight Zoo by Sonya Hartnett
About a Girl by Joanne Horninam
The Life of a Teenage Body-Snatcher by Doug Macleod
The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta
Six Impossible Things by Fiona Wood
Younger Readers (intended for independent younger readers)
Just a Dog by Michael Gerard Bauer
Henry Hoey Hobson by Christine Bongers
Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot by Anna Branford. Illustrations by Sarah Davis
The Red Wind by Isobelle Carmody
Duck for a Day by Meg McKinlay. Illustrations by Leila Rudge
Toppling by Sally Murphy. Illustrations by Rhian Nest James
Early Childhood (intended for children in the pre-reading to early reading stages)
The Tall Man and the Twelve Babies by Tom Niland Champion and Kilmeny Niland. Illustrations by Deborah Niland
The Deep End by Ursula Dubosarsky. Illustrations by Mitch Vane
Noni the Pony by Alison Lester.
It's Bedtime, William! by Deborah Niland
Look See, Look at Me! by Leonie Norrington. Illustrations by Dee Huxley
Maudie and Bear by Jan Ormerod. Illustrations by Freya Blackwood
Picture Book (intended for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years. Some books may be for mature readers)
Mirror by Jeannie Baker
Why I Love Australia by Bronwyn Bancroft
Hamlet by Nicki Greenberg
Two Peas in a Pod by Chris McKimmie
Family Forest by Lucia Masciullo. Written by Kim Kane
My Uncle's Donkey by Tohby Riddle
Eve Pownall Award for Information Books (intended for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years. Some books may be for mature readers)
Theme Parks, Playgrounds and Toys by Nicolas Brasch
Drawn from the Heart : A Memoir by Ron Brooks
Zero Hour : the Anzacs on the Western Front by Leon Davidson
The Return of the Word Spy by Ursula Dubosarsky. Illustrations by Tohby Riddle
Wicked Warriors & Evil Emperors : the True Story of the Fight for Ancient China by Alison Lloyd. Illustrated by Terry Denton
Our World : Bardi Jaawi : Life at Ardiyooloon by One Arm Point Remote Community School