Book your baby in for Lapsit!

Lapsit is a four week program designed to introduce babies (6-18 months) to books and rhymes assisting in the development of early childhood literacy.
The program consists of four weekly sessions in which babies and their carers join us for rhymes, fingerplays, songs, puppets and simple board books. Each session ends with an informal information time for carers.
Lapsit is held at Sutherland, Engadine and Cronulla Libraries. The program is free but there are only 11 places available so bookings are essential. To book your place please call:
Sutherland Library: 9710 0178 (held twice a term)
Engadine Library: 9548 6003 (held twice a term)
Cronulla Library: 9523 4980 (held once a term)