Textile Art Display

Sutherland Library currently has a display of textile artworks titled Whispered Threads. Techniques used include patchwork appliqué, felting, embroidery, painting and machine quilting.

It all starts with a photo that a textile artist looks at and then makes a quilt from.  That quilt, when finished, is then passed on to another artist, who creates a work based on their interpretation of the quilt they just received.  This reinterpreted piece is then sent to the next artist in the chain who creates yet another quilt, and so the cycle continues. Each artist has five weeks to complete their quilt.

The final quilt is very unlike the original and the process is quite reminiscent of the children’s game of Chinese Whispers, hence the name, Whispered Threads.

This display will be at Sutherland until 14 February, 2016.