Computer??? Help!!!

Personalised help with your computer/laptop/tablet conundrums is available from your library service on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Library staff will use their own knowledge to assist you as best they can with your specific computer problem, in a half hour, one on one session.
Do you have emails with photos that you don't know how to save?
Are the library's ebooks elusively out of reach?
Is there an online form which is not letting you submit it?
Would you like to be able to read online magazines when not connected to the internet?
Are there services you are being offered you don't know whether to use ?
These problems and more can be tackled in these personalised sessions.

To help the library staff help you, ring and book a session, giving details of the specific problem you would like help with. The library can then allocate the staff member who will be the best match to aid you.

If you would like more general help with learning the basic functions of computers, or standard programs like Microsoft Office, Windows 2010, or how to use Twitter and Facebook then Computer Training Online may be of more use to you.
This is an interactive program which works slowly through each step of the learning process allowing time for you to practice as you go, reinforcing what you are learning. You are asked to create your own account so you can track your progress. Sessions are short and can be completely in whatever order you wish.

Computer Help is available at the following locations and times:
Sutherland Library
Tuesdays between 10am to 12noon and 2pm to 4pm
Phone 9710 0351
Menai Library
Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2pm to 4pm
Phone 9543 5747
Engadine Library
Thursdays between 2pm to 4pm
Phone 9548 6003

Remember to ring first and talk to a staff member to determine if your problem is one library staff can help with, to avoid disappointment.