To read or not to read...Australian psychological suspense...

Celebrate Australia Day by reading a book by an Australian author. This is a psychological thriller for the modern age, one which explores the snares of money and love and the dark side of erotic imagination...

To read or not to read, that is the question!

 Read the opening paragraphs of this book and you decide...

It started with a letter he wrote, sent that April care of my uncle's estate agency. A thick ivory envelope with my name in elegant type. There was always something too formal about his advances, as though this man's intentions were disguised even from himself. He enjoyed the civilities, but they made me uneasy. Wasn't the etiquette of amour to keep him safe while calling me to battle? I read it standing  by the shredder. 

                                   Dear Liese (or whoever you are)
         Before you leave Australia to pursue your travels, I wonder if you might round out your                  experience to see life outside the city? Every visitor should take in the Bush. Warrowill, my sheep and cattle property in western Victoria (itself the third largest volcanic plain in the world), is close to much pristine bushland and any amount of wildlife. 
         I propose you join me on the long weekend of June 11th-14th, and calculate for three days of your time payment would be $xxxx.
        Upon your meeting  me on the Friday afternoon, half this fee will be given to you in cash, the other half transfered to your bank account on Monday afternoon at the end of your stay.
        Kindly consider this proposal and let me know at your earliest convenience if the terms are agreeable.
Alexander Colquhoun

it was a ridiculous amount of money he offered, enough to delay my departure for two months, and so it was a relief when, at the appointed time, Alexander, dresed in a blazer and business shirt still creased from the shop, finally picked me up around the corner from the office. He stepped from his oldish Mercedes without meeting my eye. Taking my small suitcase he opened the passenger door, closing it behind me with a deferential nod. He was nervous. I was brusque, lest this whole weekend alide immediately into farce. The dashboard clock read 3.04.
He handed me an envelope. 'Do you want to count it?'
Inside would be the cash in those bright colours like play dollars. 
'No, I'm sure its in order.'
'Perhaps you can tell by weight?'
'Yes.' Turning, smiling, it was the usual surprise to see his face. He had the kind of looks I regarded as typically Australian; untroubled, slightly sunburnt, slightly elsewhere.

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