Ten books: The never ending story. Read a series
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
- George R.R Martin: A song of ice and fire series. Best read in order
to keep track of what's going on in this epic, complex series. Start with: Book #1: A game of thrones. Latest release: Book #5: A dance with dragons. Coming in 2014? #6
Winds of winter.

simply for the fabulous 1920 costumes. Book# 1: Cocaine Blues Latest release: Book #20: Murder and Mendelssohn.
Find oout more about Phryne Fisher on her website.

Book #1 The shop of Blossom street.
Latest release (due out April) Book #10 Blossom Street Brides.
Sue Grafton: Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series. Featuring detective Kinsey Millhone. Being an alphabet mystery series-A-Z, it makes it easy to find the next book) Book #1 A is for alibi. The latest,
released 2013 is Book #23: W is for wasted, meaning there are only 3 more
books to go in this very enjoyable series.

Philippa Gregory: Cousins war series. This latest series delves into the history of the Plantagets. Book #1 The white queen. Latest release, Book #6 The white princess. Coming in 2014 Book #7: The last rose.
Clive Cussler: The Oregon Files. Mercenaries, known as the Corporation, are headquartered on the ship Oregon, a seagoing marvel of science and technology disguised as an ancient, rust-bucket cargo vessel. Each book in the series is a whole story with a beginning and an ending, however there are references to prior stories in the series. book #1: Golden Buddha. The latest book, # 9 is Mirage.
Jo Nesbo: Harry Hole series. Book #1, The Bat, introduces Inspector Harry Hole of the Oslo Crime Squad- a highly original, believable and likeable protagonist. The novels are complex, ambitious constructions with suspenseful and fast-paced crime plots that reflect our globalized modern world. Latest release is Book # 11: Cockroaches. Each book in the series is a self contained story, but includes past references to Harry’s life. Best read in order.
Tell us about your favourite series in the comments.