Adult stories at lunch time
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Monday, April 23, 2012

Library staff are reading aloud adult stories at lunch time.
How often have you read stories to your children, grandchildren or brothers & sisters and wished someone would do the same for you?
How often have you read stories to your children, grandchildren or brothers & sisters and wished someone would do the same for you?
Bring your lunch, settle in, relax and be entertained on the first Wednesday of each month.
Last month Jacinta (Reference Librarian) read a Neil Gaiman story from his collection Smoke and Mirrors. Then Sam from Miranda Branch read The Dangers of Swimming by Jacqueline Winn
Next Wednesday hear Sue from Engadine reading a story which fits into the National Year of Reading theme of Escape.Wednesday 1pm - 1.45pm, Sutherland Library - Southern Lounge
See you on the 2nd May.
2012 The National Year of Reading