National Year of Reading, 2012 "Our Story"

As part of the National Year of Reading 2012, the first national campaign "Our Story" has been launched. "Our Story" is a search to find the eight books (one from each state/territory) that best represents that part of Australia. For New South Wales, a shortlist of six titles, both fiction and non fiction, have been chosen by a panel of judges for you to read and vote upon. The titles to choose from are:
Bereft, by Chris Womersley
The idea of home, by John Hughes
Lilians story, by Kate Grenville
Harp in the south, by Ruth Park
Torn apart, by Peter Corris
Sydney Harbour: A history, by Ian Hoskins
You can find out more about the shortlisted titles here.
The eight winning titles will be used to create a national recommended reading list. This list in turn, will be used as the basis for the start of Australia's biggest book group. Book groups and individual readers will be able to go online and register as members of "Our story" and discuss the winning titles.
Everyone is invited to vote for the book they think best represents our state of New South Wales. Take this opportunity to read these books and vote for your favourite book online, at any branch of the library, or at book stores. Voting opens 1 November and closes 6 January, 2012. The winners will be announced at the official launch of the National Year of Reading on 14 February, 2012. You can reserve copies of each of these titles from the library.