Celebrate Outstanding Australian Children's Literature @ Your Library
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Book Week
Cronulla Library
Kids and Parents
literary awards
Menai Library
The long wait is finally over – the winners of the Children's Book of the Year Awards for 2007 have been announced! Read on for the winners and how you can get involved at your local library during Book Week.
Picture Books
Winner: The Arrival by Shaun TanHonour Books: The Rainbirds by Sally Rippin (Text by David Metzenthen) and Woolvs in the Sitee by Anne Spudvilas (Text by Margaret Wild)
Early Childhood
Winner: Amy & Louis by Libby Gleeson (Illustrations by Freya Blackwood)Honour Books: Chatterbox by Margaret Wild (Illustrations by Deborah Niland) and Doodledum Dancing by Meredith Costain (Illustrations by Pamela Allen)

Younger Readers
Winner: Being Bee by Catherine BatesonHonour Books: The Tuckshop Kid by Pat Flynn (Illustrated by Tom Jellet) and Bird and Sugar Boy by Sofie Laguna
Older Readers
Winner: Red Spikes by Margo LanaganHonour Books: Monster Blood Tattoo: Book One: Foundling by D.M. Cornish and The Red Shoe by Ursula Dubosarsky
Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Winner: The Penguin Book: Birds in Suits by Mark NormanHonour Books: Red Haze: Australians and New Zealanders in Vietnam by Leon Davidson and Queenie: One Elephant’s Story by Corinne Fenton (Illustrations by Peter Gouldthorpe)