Caringbah Happenings: Book Week Edition
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Friday, August 17, 2007
Book Week
Caringbah Library
Kids and Parents
literary awards
Well, it's been a long time between drinks, but we have finally got around to putting together another Caringbah Happenings report. Before I get around to talking about Book Week, what about last weekend's weather? Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the most of it as I was busy finishing off Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. At over 600 pages, this is one book that you won't be able to read in a day (well not if you want to enjoy it anyway!).

Don't worry, our regular storytime & rhymetime sessions will continue during Book Week. And, when you come into the library during book week check out the Ancient Egypt display put up by the Caringbah staff to coincide with the theme this year which is READiscover.
Michael @ Caringbah Library