Comic Con-versation with Nathan Seabolt
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Friday, July 08, 2016

Can you tell us about your journey as a comic artist/ creator?
I've been a fan of comics since I was big enough to hold one, and not just for the pretty colors. Spider-Man taught me about responsibility, Captain America taught me about honor, and funnily enough the Hulk taught me how to read! The first thing I ever read on my own was a speech balloon in an Incredible Hulk coloring book. Although my fandom waxed and waned throughout the years (most of the 90's I was definitely out), once I got into art school and learned about printmaking and some of the techniques behind my old favorite comics' art, I knew I needed to use my training to produce my own comics. Then it was just a few short years fumbling with technique before I finally got my first mini comic done. As these things do, this led to more and larger projects, including taking part in two different comics anthologies this year. I'm finally feeling more comfortable with my visual storytelling, now I just need to figure out a way around the inordinate amount of effort that graphic storytelling takes...Tell us about your mini comics and daily drawing blog?
So far, I haven't finished any long-form projects, but rather focused on sorter stories in a smaller format. While a standard comic book might be something close to A4 and around 24 pages, minis are usually A5 or smaller and average around 8 pages. I've made a mini that ballooned up to 12 pages, but generally I stick to 8 or so-that seems to be enough room to tell a simple story. I do tend to use a lot more panels per page than the average mini, so perhaps I just enjoy squeezing more story into each page :) I try to make a couple of books per year for the convention season, and I post them on my blog and on , usually for free download.
The daily drawing blog is one of my favorite things, I love sharing my process with people. Occasionally I can get some attention for the newest thing, or more importantly sometimes I can help aspiring artists and comic makers to give it a shot. I also record video occasionally for my YouTube channel for the same purpose.
What are your tools of the trade? Do you work in traditional media as well as digital?

I also do a lot of Illustration and personal art, and I do like going back to traditional media for that. It's a nice change.
Do you have any advice for aspiring comic artists that you wish someone had told you?
What's next for Nathan Seabolt?

Find out more at Nathan Seabolt's Website and Facebook page.
This event is part of Comic Con-versation 2016. Comic Con-versation is an annual week long festival celebrating the best of local comic culture with events, talks, workshops, panel sessions, readings and exhibitions across Sydney libraries.
You can check out all the amazing upcoming #ccv16 events and activities here