Cat in the stacks...
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Library Cat discovered some books to read from the Stack Collection....
The Worlds of Anne McCaffery (Three novels /Anne McCaffrey).
~ Suggested by Debbie (Library Staff).
Anne McCaffrey was the first woman to win a Hugo Award and a Nebula Award, as well as a Grand Master of science fiction. This collection of three novels includes:
1. Restoree- Her first novel, written in response to the unrealistic portrayal of women in science fiction.
2. The classic space faring novel The Ship Who Sang is about a severely disabled girl who becomes the brain of a starship (very sad, have some tissues on hand).
3. Decision at Doona, which is about the first contact between Humans and a cat-like alien species, the Hrrubans.
The Carpet Baggers by Harold Robbins
Written by the 5th best selling author of all time, and made into a movie in 1964. Described as a trashy, dirt dishing Hollywood best seller, this novel tells the story of Jonas Conrad, a character modelled on the life of the famous Howard Hughes.
This novel even gets mention in The Outsiders by S.E Hinton-Pony boy's older brother Daryl, owns a copy!
How green was my Valley by Richard Llewellyn
Made into an Oscar winning movie, this is a poignant coming-of-age novel set in a Welsh mining town.
From the publisher:
Growing up in a mining community in rural South Wales, Huw Morgan is taught many harsh lessons - at the kitchen table, at Chapel and around the pit-head. Looking back on the hardships of his early life, where difficult days are faced with courage but the valleys swell with the sound of Welsh voices, it becomes clear that there is nowhere so green as the landscape of his own memory. An immediate bestseller on publication in 1939, How Green Was My Valley quickly became one of the best-loved novels of the twentieth century. Poetic and nostalgic, it is an elegy to a lost world.
The strange tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
An absolute classic novella first published in 1886. This is a fascinating study of guilt, moral responsibility, and horror that explores the two sides of human nature -good and evil.
The man who fell to earth by Walter Tevis
A science fiction classic about Thomas Jerome Newton, an alien who comes to planet Earth in a bid to save his own species from extinction. Anthea his home planet has been devastated by a series of nuclear wars.
Planet of the apes by Pierre Boulle
Recommended by Angela (Library staff). This is the novel that inspired the movies, comics and television series. it is the story of threepeole who land on an earth like planet, where they find naked, primitive animalistic humans, ruled by great apes who are evolved, intelligent and civilised.

Nevada by Zane Grey
A 1928 Western novel, this is the sequel to Forlorn River-it has never been out of print. Escaping from Forlorn river with only his life, Nevada resumes life as an outlaw. Skilled with a horse and a rope, he can shoot fast and straight. As he tries to find his way back to his sweetheart and a normal life, he continues to find himself thrown back into strife.
The Beach by Alex Garland
Thailand, what a great place to spend a gap year! Great start finding the perfect beach gets a bit more sinister though.Discovering and joining a self sufficient community, life in paradise isn't quite what backpacker Richard envisaged.This cult novel is worth a read.

Recommended by Dasha (Library staff)
Scary stuff. This story is told in first person by Patrick Bateman, a serial killer and wealthy Manhattan investment banker.