Looking for a laugh?
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Friday, February 03, 2012
National year of reading 2012
readers advisory

The National Year of Reading theme for February is laugh. So this month read something that makes you giggle, guffaw, snicker, chuckle, chortle or at least smile! Here are some reading suggestions that may tickle your funny bone!

Educating Jack: The alternative school logbook 1982-1983 by Jack Sheffield
Unusual uses for olive oil by Alexander McCall Smith
Snuff by Terry Pratchett (39th book in the Discworld series)
How I became a famous novelist by Steve Hely
Socks are not enough by Mark Lowery
The old romantic by Louise Dean
Life, liberty and the pursuit of sausages by Tom Holt
To fetch a thief by Spencer Quinn
Worth by Jon Canter
Explosive eighteen by Janet Evanovich
Photo credit: "Strange loop" by Flickr user CarbonNYC
Photo credit: "Strange Loop?" by Flickr user Carbon NYC