The Art of Kathy Curtiss at Sutherland Library
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kathy spent many years drawing and painting as a hobby but eventually formalised her passion by completing an Art Certificate at TAFE followed by a Post Painting Certificate at Sydney Art School.
More recently Kathy has begun a water colour and Life Drawing classes at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre.
A collection of Kathy's works can be viewed in the lounge area of Sutherland Library during March and April or on flickr.
"Our Story" winners

The winners of the "Our Story" competition to find the eight books that together represent life in Australia in each of the States and Territories, have been announced. With a total of more than 16,000 entries submitted both online and in libraries everywhere, the winners are as follows:
NSW Idea of home by John Hughes
ACT Smoke and mirrors by Kel Robertson
NT Listening to country by Ros Moriarty
QLD The white earth by Andrew McGahan
TAS Wanting by Richard Flanagan
VIC Well done those men by Barry Heard
WA Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey
Congratulations to all the winners.
Who's your favourite Super Hero?

There are so many great Super Heroes to chooose from. They often have extraordinary super powers, awesome skills and/or hi-tech equipment that enables them to save the world from the nefarious schemes being hatched by a rogue gallery of villains.
If you are looking for inspiration about which Super Hero you would like to be, or if you just want to read more about them, try a graphic novel. Do you you think you've grown out of comic books and graphic novels? Think again. They are not just for kids and teens. Graphic novels an entertaining and fun way to read, combining action stories of the fight against evil with amazing visual graphics. They are also a really great way to discover, or rediscover more about the adventures of a vast array of Super Heroes.
Here is a list of some graphic novels featuring popular Super Heroes that may inspire you.
Superman: Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow The epitome of a superhero, from his endearing mild mannered alter ego Clark Kent, to his incredible superpowers, x-vision and ability to wonder Superman is such an enduring Super Hero icon.
Amazing Spider-Man : the deadly foes of Spider-Man. A.k.a Spidey, the web slinger has won over a legion of fans with his trademark oneliners. Watch out for his latest movie , due out July.
Wolverine. The best there is : Contagion . Often appearing along side the other X-men, this mutant with three retractable claws and a healing factor is also a movie star. His catchphrase is "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."
Essential Hulk.The rampaging Hulk ; Volume 1 . Inspired by both Frankenstein and Dr Heykell and Mr Hyde, Super Hero The Incredible Hulk is both a monster and a good guy. Just don't make him mad.
Blackest night. Green Lantern Corps Green Lantern, protector of the Earth(sector 2814) is a member of the intergalatic police force known as the Green Lantern corps. Green Lantern wears a Power ring that bestows him with extraordinary abilities so he is better able to protect the Earth.
Catwoman: The long road home Considered by some to be a villian, Catwoman is a sophisticated and vengeful woman who takes matters into her own hands and stands up for societies outcasts. Her relationship with Batman? Its complicated.
Wonder Woman : Who is Wonder Woman? A warrior princess of the Amazons, she has superhuman strength, super stamina and super agility, as well as a magic lasso, tiara and a pair of indestructible bracelets to help her in her quest fighting against super villians.
Batman and Robin. Batman reborn The caped crusader and his sidekick, "The Boy Wonder" continue to be among the most popular and well known of the super heroes. Batman may have no superpowers, but he is intellectually gifted, physically fit, has numerous hi-tech gadgets and the Batmobile to help defeat his enemies in Gotham city.
Iron Man. War of the Iron Men A member of the Avengers, Iron Man gets his name from the powered suit of armor created by his alter ego billionaire playboy, industrialist and ingenious engineer, Tony Stark.
Fantastic Four visionaries. Vol 1. This family of Super Heroes consists of Mr Fantastic, The invisible woman, The Human Torch, and Thing. They each have unique powers and abilities, and do not conceal their true identities, enjoying basking in the limelight of superherodom.
Daredevil. The man withour fear His name says it all. Although blind, his other four senses are developed to super human levels, so that few realise he cannot see.
Who is your favourite Super Hero? Still can't decide? Try this quiz.
This Sunday, 12th February at Cronulla Plaza, you are invited to take an opportunity to dress up as your favourite Super Hero and be part of a world record attempt for the largest gathering of people dressed up as Super Heroes.
You can find out more about this charity event at Day of Heroes .
Photo credit: Flickr user Joelk75 "find the fatal five!"From "Adventure Comics" #352, January 1967.
Sutherland Library Open Day February 14th
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
On Tuesday, February 14th Librarians will be extra busy at Sutherland library celebrating their love of the library with an Open Day, highlighting the huge range of resources libraries provide the public.
Your library is not just a place to borrow books. Of course there is that, but did you also know you can download music from your library for free - yours to keep forever?! You can also learn a language online (croon to your loved one in Italian on Valentine's Day) or borrow an eBook to read on that new e-reader you got for Christmas.
Sutherland Library will be opening its doors even wider with info booths manned by staff eager to talk to you about the different and varied things you can borrow/browse/attend and keep - all from Shire Libraries. There will be library tours, a visit from Bookatoo and goody bags for everyone; we may even add a touch of Valentine's Day just to show our love!
Did we mention there will be childrens' authors and singers Margaret Bradford and Janet Selby launching their newest book and CD in the morning? Kids are welcome to sing along! Or that Magician Jackson Aces will be roving about in the afternoon, showing off tricks (some of which he may have learnt in a library book)!
There's a drop-in drawing workshop for kids with local artist Trevor from 4.30pm and a free lunch time sausage sizzle that everyone is welcome to enjoy. Bring the kids and they can get their faces painted for free!
With 2012 being the National Year of Reading, Library staff are excited about the coming events and playing their part in encouraging people to read. Start your reading habit at the Sutherland Library Open Day, Tuesday February 14th from 9am. See you there!
Adult Summer Reading Club
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Adult summer reading club
National year of reading 2012

The first annual Adult Summer Reading Club has come to an end. There has been a lot of reading going on in the Shire over Summer, with a grand total of 1225 entries in the competition over the eight weeks it was run.
The winners of the final 3 weekly prizes were:
Week 6 Winner ( 20/01/2012): Brian from Caringbah, who read "Online investing on the Australian Sharemarket" by Roger Kinsky, rating it 5 stars.
Week 7 Winner ( 27/01/2012): Judith from Sutherland, who read the mystery "The cold light of mourning" rating it 4 stars.
Week 8 Winner(3/02/20120: Fiona from Caringbah, who read "Tiger men" by Judy Nunn, rating it 3 stars.
The Grand Prize of an E-Reader was won by Lynn from Sylvania, who read "The price of love" by Peter Robinson, 4 rating it stars.
Congratulations to all our winners, and thankyou to all readers who participated.
Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
2011 readers advisory
Amazing reads National Year of Reading 2012
Charles Dickens

2012 is not only The National Year of Reading, it is also Charles Dickens' 200th Anniversary.
Dickens is one of the world's best known and well-loved authors. His work transcends time, inspiring film, stage and television adaptations of his work.
Commemorate this very special year by reading, or re-reading one his timeless novels. Here are some of our favourites:
Great Expectations Watch out for the latest movie adaptation, coming out in 2012.
Oliver Twist; or The parish boys progress The film and musical "Oliver!" and the television series "Oliver Twist" were based on this book.
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Dickens humourous novel is particulary appropriate to read this February, as this month's theme for the National Year of Reading is Laugh!
Tell us about your favourite Dickens novel.
Looking for a laugh?
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Friday, February 03, 2012
National year of reading 2012
readers advisory

The National Year of Reading theme for February is laugh. So this month read something that makes you giggle, guffaw, snicker, chuckle, chortle or at least smile! Here are some reading suggestions that may tickle your funny bone!

Educating Jack: The alternative school logbook 1982-1983 by Jack Sheffield
Unusual uses for olive oil by Alexander McCall Smith
Snuff by Terry Pratchett (39th book in the Discworld series)
How I became a famous novelist by Steve Hely
Socks are not enough by Mark Lowery
The old romantic by Louise Dean
Life, liberty and the pursuit of sausages by Tom Holt
To fetch a thief by Spencer Quinn
Worth by Jon Canter
Explosive eighteen by Janet Evanovich
Photo credit: "Strange loop" by Flickr user CarbonNYC
Photo credit: "Strange Loop?" by Flickr user Carbon NYC
Kenneth B Harrison Drawings at Sutherland Library

Works on display include line drawings of Aboriginal activist Patrick Dodson, cricket legend Glenn McGrath and other famous people.

Kenneth's works are on display in the rear lounge area of Sutherland Library until the end of February.
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