Indigenous Literacy Day, 2011.
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Monday, September 05, 2011
2011. reading
Indigenous literacy day
Reading is one of the important ways we gather information and learn about our world. It opens doors, providing information through blogs, books (fact and fiction), newspapers and magazines. Being able to read means you can send text messages, and chat online. Did you know that many indigenous Australians in remote communities of Australia can’t read? Can you imagine life without being able to read?
You can help change this on Wednesday, 7th September, Indigenous Literacy Day. Created by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, this day “aims to help raise funds to raise literacy levels and improve the lives and opportunities of Indigenous Australians living in remote and isolated regions”.
You are welcome to make a donation to this cause at Sutherland library, however, Sutherland library is unable to provide tax receipts for donations. For tax receipts, you can donate online, over the phone or pick up a brochure from the library which has a donation coupon enclosed.
While you’re at the library, check out the display of books by and about the first Australians, celebrating indigenous literacy.

In 2012, the foundation is partnering with the National Year of Reading, 2012 and events will be held in libraries across Australia in support.
Want to learn more? Click here to read further about the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.