Summertime Storytime at Cronulla Mall
Just before Christmas, the friendly staff from Cronulla Library made an appearance in the mall with a very special Summertime Storytime.As the children gathered around the stage anticipating the fun they would have at Summertime Storytime; so did the STORM CLOUDS! But they had their own Christmas miracle - when we started to sing Jingle Bells, the rain stopped and the sun came out! Santa may have helped us out there as I am sure he was enjoying our singing from his throne that was located just behind us. The kids listened to a mix of beach and Christmas stories and particularly enjoyed the encore re-enactment of the book week award winning “Bear and Chook”. Bookatoo also made an appearance to wish all the boys and girls a Merry Christmas; with many hugs and hi fives in return. Debbie and Cheryl looked quite fetching in their Hawaiian inspired outfits and a good time was had by all.