Live Life - Senior's Week 2009

Like many places across Australia the Sutherland Shire community is getting older. The Council is well aware of this and has been putting significant effort into planning for the future of our community. The result of this planning is a focus on Ageing Well in the Sutherland Shire, the highlight of which is the Ageing Strategy. You can find out more about the strategy along with a series of Fact Sheets and Frequently Asked Questions on the Sutherland Shire Council web site.
It's also worth mentioning that the Library has many services and facilities for seniors in our community. We have information from a range of organisations, for instance we've just received a series of brochures from Legal Aid about Legal Issues for Older People. We run regular Internet Training courses, which are popular with our older library users. The Library has lots of resources for tracing your family tree, a Home Library service for our housebound borrowers and many other organisations such as the U3A utilise the Library's resources and facilities to provide services to seniors.
Of course you can always just come in and read the paper, find a good book or just meet and connect with other people in your community.