Make A Move during Youth Week 2009
With Youth Week coming up - 28 March to 5 April - You will need to make a move if you want to catch everything that's happening around the Shire.Kicking things off early on Saturday 21 March is a free Job Hunting Workshop. 15-19 year olds are invited to learn about how to land THAT job! This workshop will provide essential job seeking skills, from a Saturday morning job at the local bread shop for a 15 year old, to a part time job at the video store, or local bike shop, through to apprenticeship applications, to seeking and applying for a full-time job in industries such as: retail, commercial or office setting. More details...
Sutherland Library is conducting a Manga Character Design Workshop for High School students. Yes it is Manga not magna! Learn how to create an interesting character for a manga, comic or animation story. We have limited places so bookings are essential. Check out our Events Calendar for all the details.
There will be the sound of music at Sutherland Library during Youth Week with singer/guitarist Dylan Wright playing at various times throughout the week. Dylan starred on the television show Australia's Got Talent and was mentioned in the Leader newspaper.
Last but not least, any high school students who make a move to any Sutherland Shire Library during Youth Week can enter a draw for the chance to win JB Hi-Fi vouchers.
Live Life - Senior's Week 2009

Like many places across Australia the Sutherland Shire community is getting older. The Council is well aware of this and has been putting significant effort into planning for the future of our community. The result of this planning is a focus on Ageing Well in the Sutherland Shire, the highlight of which is the Ageing Strategy. You can find out more about the strategy along with a series of Fact Sheets and Frequently Asked Questions on the Sutherland Shire Council web site.
It's also worth mentioning that the Library has many services and facilities for seniors in our community. We have information from a range of organisations, for instance we've just received a series of brochures from Legal Aid about Legal Issues for Older People. We run regular Internet Training courses, which are popular with our older library users. The Library has lots of resources for tracing your family tree, a Home Library service for our housebound borrowers and many other organisations such as the U3A utilise the Library's resources and facilities to provide services to seniors.
Of course you can always just come in and read the paper, find a good book or just meet and connect with other people in your community.
What Can't You Do on the Library Web Site?
In this instalment of what is rapidly becoming an ongoing series of posts about the Library's web site, we want to know what things you would like to be able to do on our web site that aren't currently available?We are very thankful for the responses to our last post about what you are using the web site for (if you haven't already, you can tell us now).
This time we would like to know if there is anything you wish you could do or find on our site that isn't already available? Basically, we want you to tell us what is wrong with our site? Just leave us a comment.
I can't guarantee that your wishlist will be granted but it will be very useful information for us as we move forward. And you never know, in our last post someone asked for information about our WiFi Hotspot. That was an easy one - I added a page about the Wi-Fi Hotspot to the site this morning.
Adam Bayley Paintings @ Sutherland Library

If you visit Sutherland Library in March and April be sure to make your way around to the lounge area at the back of the library and have a look at Adam's paintings.
Why Do You Visit Our Web Site?
Martin Boyce
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Kids and Parents
Youth Week
What brings you to the Library web site? We want to know how we can make your experience of our web site as easy and intuitive as possible. To do that we are trying to find out more about how people use our site.Do you look up books on our catalogue? Do you manage your account, ie. renew loans and check requests online, etc? Do you come to find out what's happening in the library? Do you check locations and opening hours? Are you interested in finding out more about our services and resources? Is there something that really bugs you about our site?
We would really appreciate your comments about why you visit our site (you can use the comment form).
PS. We are also planning a few short workshops to delve a bit deeper into how to improve our web site. If you are interested please read this post for more details about how to get involved.
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