Living Library – A Second Reading

Living Library in operation at Sutherland Library originally uploaded by Sutherland Shire Libraries.
Following the success of our first Living Library, we are running another one. If you missed out the first time, or loved taking part in it, here’s another chance to find out more about the people in your community.
Next Living Library:
Friday 14 November 1pm–3pm. more details...
Friday 14 November is the last day Sutherland Library will be open, before we close for 12 days for renovations, re-opening on Thursday 27th November. So why not combine borrowing a Living Book with picking up your regular reading, viewing, and listening material!
Living Books cannot be taken home, they are Reference material, and therefore they must be read in the Library. Allow yourself an extra 30 minutes to challenge yourself to something different.
Here’s a glimpse of the Living Books on offer…
Immigration from Germany
As with any book this one has many chapters. It starts with the social conditions in Germany before the rise of Hitler, leads you through the build up to war, and gives an account of the losses that all war brings to any caught up its grip.
Learning to live in the partitioned Germany with family on either side of the wall leads to thoughts of immigration and Australia becomes the focus for a freer life which holds greater promise.
Immigration camps, finding work, housing the family, building a business and becoming involved in the community whilst providing for the family’s future are central themes.
Another facet of this Book deals with the sadness, frustration and sense of loss that dementia brings to a family.