Let them eat cake

To celebrate this year's History Week, the Library is offering a great opportunity to indulge your sweet tooth by joining us for dessert, at a fun and informative event “Let them eat cake”. Come along to Cronulla library on Tuesday, 6th September, at 6.30pm, and sample some of Australia’s iconic and delicious historical desserts. Try some damper, (create your own culinary sensation by topping it with any or all the condiments provided), mini pavlovas, Anzac cookies and of course, lamingtons. Which one is your favourite?
As a further tribute to these iconic desserts, we have local author and poet, Margaret Ruckert, attending to give a talk about historical Australian desserts. She has written a book, “You deserve dessert: Fact, fiction and fable” featuring some tongue in cheek poems and mini stories inspired by this theme. Take a trip down memory lane and hear about luscious lemon cheesecake (hiding under a designer pseudonym), a seductive orange and poppy seed cake, an ode to chocolate mud cake and one to lemon meringue pie, lamingtons ( a.k.a a dry land ecology) and much more, as you eat! You will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of this delightful and witty book at the event.
Bookings are essential. You can book online , or by phone or in person at any of the library branches. Attendance is $5.00 per person. (Please note, this booking will not be finalised until payment has been received by the library, within one week of booking. Sorry, there are no refunds).