HSC Lectures 2010 @ Sutherland Library.
The Sutherland Shire Libraries' HSC Lecture series is on again in 2010.The series is due to start in May, with further sessions taking place during June, and early September 2010. Each lecture will take 2 hours and they are held in the evening at Sutherland Library.
Cost is $5.00 per lecture.
Confirmed topics are;
Peter Skrzynecki‘s Immigrant Chronicle
HSC English Area of Study ‘Belonging’
Business Studies Report writing
Society & Culture
Essay Writing
Legal Studies, and
Modern History.
Be the first to know!
If you would like to be on the emailing list for our HSC Lecture program for 2010, please leave your name and email address with library staff at any branch library and you will be notified when the program is finalised and the tickets are available for purchase. Or send us a message with your name and email address, response category - HSC.
For further enquiries, please contact Ruth Ivery or Karen Pender, HSC Reference Resources Librarians, on 9710 0351
Babies Love Massage
invisible woman
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Babies and Parents
Engadine Library
Parent Information Sessions

The introductory class was the latest instalment of Engadine Library's monthly Parenting Support and Information Sessions. The session was facilitatied by local resident and practicing nutritionist, doula and massage therapist Briony Howland. Briony runs her own classes in infant massage but kindly volunteered her own time to introduce local mums to the basic techniques.
Briony began the session by explaining the benefits of infant massage to both parent and child. Those benefits include strengthening bonds and communication, easing wind and colic, developing baby's sensory awareness and helping baby to achieve a restful sleep. Briony explained correct positioning and the ways to adapt these depending on the age and reaction of the baby, before demonstrating the various massage techniques appropriate for infants.
It was a very interesting, informative and fun hands-on session which was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance, particularly the babies! Many of the mums expressed an interest in learning more about infant massage and attending further classes with Briony.
The next parenting information session will be 'Is Your Child Gifted?' This session will be facilitated by educator Kylie Walker. It will be held on Tuesday 20th April at 10.30am.
For more information:
Engadine Library
9548 6003
Celebrate Harmony Day - Thursday 25th March
At:Gymea Community Aid and Information Service
39 Gymea Bay Road, Gymea.
From 10am -12noon
Sutherland Shire Library is taking the ‘Living Library’ out to the community.
A Living Library works like any other library; you borrow, read and return books. The difference is that in this case, the ‘Books’ are people and so it is an interactive experience.
Harmony Day is a nationwide event that celebrates our many successes as a diverse and peace loving multicultural society. The aim is to address issues of cultural, racial and religious intolerance by promoting respect, fairness, inclusion and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Everyone Belongs is the theme for this year's event. Click here for videos from the Dept. of Immigration & Citizenship.
What better way to promote Harmony than learn about others. There is no easier way to do that than to 'Read' another's story. Celebrate Australia’s rich diversity and ‘read’ a Living Book. Borrow a ‘Book’ whose story is outside your normal comfort zone. Enjoy the chance to converse with someone from a very different background to yourself, whether it is racial, religious, or social. Our ‘Books’ are volunteers from the local community, and so are people you might walk past every day.
Please join us for the Living Library and other events at Gymea Community Aid & Information Service, 39 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea.
Seniors Week Morning Tea at Caringbah Library

Caringbah Library would like to invite seniors to a morning tea.
Where: Caringbah Library
When: Wednesday 24th March
Time: 10.30 - 12 noon
Free Sessions for Seniors
On Monday 22nd March there will be two sessions designed to help you get more from your library membership, computer and the internet:Online Computer Training - How to start
Time: 9.30am – 10.30am
Health Information Online - Where to look
Time: 11am - 12noon
These sessions are designed for those who have a little knowledge, but would like some more to be going on with.
There will be a general overview of what you can do, online, with your library membership and then a look at specific resources that should be of relevance.
Bookings are essential.
Please ring Sutherland Shire Library Reference Services 97100351
Academy Gets it Wrong?
Seventy five percent of our patrons voted for the blockbusting Avatar as being the likely winner of this category.
Fortunately for a select few, The Hurt Locker was the actual winner. The first correct entry drawn received a double pass to Greater Union Cinemas, with another 3 customers receiving a single movie pass.
Our voters chose in order:
The Hurt Locker
The Blind Side
Inglourious Basterds
Up in the Air
An Education
But then what movie buff could forget the year that Crash beat the blockbusters?
Showcase of St Patrick's Primary School
Catholic Schools Week 2010 is from 15th March to 22 March.
Sutherland Library is delighted to have been given the opportunity to once again showcase some of the wonderful artworks by the students of St Patrick's Primary School.
The dedication of the Art Coordinator Katherine Ng is obvious and St Patricks School must be proud to have such a woman guiding their students.
See St Patrick's School Artworks at:
Sutherland Library
Wall in the entry foyer
You can't miss them!
Featured Artist at Sutherland Library - Tania Collins

Tania needed to regain confidence and find a new path for her creativity that would suit her level of visual impairment. So began her new career as an artist.
Nature, land formations and surface textures provide Tania with much of her inspiration.
By using collage, mixed media and acrylics, Tania has been able to create rich surface qualities and find a new means of self expression.
Come and see some of Tania's works which are on display in the lounge area at the rear of Sutherland Library.
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