Love and Libraries - it's a match made in heaven!
Martin Boyce
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cronulla Library
Engadine Library
Menai Library

On February 14, Australia's public libraries will be feeling the love - and sharing it - for Library Lovers Day. Library Lovers Day is a fun way of celebrating the deep and enduring relationship between the Sutherland Shire community and their libraries.
Sutherland Shire Libraries will be festooned with red and white balloons and there will be a range of romantic displays and activities available including;
- All day cuppa - coffee, tea and hot chocolate (& marshmallows!) at Sutherland (available until 4pm)
- Surprise treats - at Sutherland
- Take home a Blind Date - with a book! at Cronulla
- Racy competitions with the chance to win a romantic prize at Menai and Engadine
Visit your local library - we would love to see you!
ALIA and Roses Only Library Lovers Day Competition
Nothing says love like a long stemmed rose. Or even better, a box full of them.
The Australian Library and Information Association and Roses Only are giving 5 people the opportunity to win a beautiful box of 1 dozen long stemmed roses. All entries should be faxed directly back to ALIA on 02 6282 2249 by 5pm Monday 18th February 2008.
All entries should be clearly marked Library Lovers Day Competition.
ALIA will conduct the lucky draw on Tuesday 19th February 2008. Winners will be contacted by Roses Only to arrange delivery. Winners will be also announced on the ALIA website.
What's in store for 2008?
Sutherland Shire Libraries
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Kids and Parents
Well, it's the start of a new year and we thought it might be a good time to tell you about some of the things we are planning. Read on to find out where your library service is heading in 2008.New Library for Cronulla
The current building that houses Cronulla Library is old and no longer adequate. Construction is underway on a new Cronulla Library building as part of the Cronulla Community Project at Croydon St, a major project to revitalise Cronulla's CBD. We anticipate that construction will be complete very late in 2008 or early 2009, at which time Cronulla Library will move from its current location in Surf Rd.
Introduction of RFID
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that will provide the Library with a more efficient way of tracking Library materials, making check-outs, check-ins and inventory much easier and faster. It is a very large project as each item (book, DVD, CD, etc) needs to have a small radio tag inserted, replacing the current barcode system, along with installation of the hardware required to read the tags.
New Computer Training Initiatives
We can't say too much at this stage but we're looking at the whether we can improve the way we currently provide training in computers and related technology. We're still in the planning stage in this area but we hope to trial some new training initiatives this year. More information will be available as we get a clearer picture of what form our technology training will take. Keep your eye on this blog.
Overdrive - Downloadable Books and Music
The Library Service was recently successful in obtaining grant funding from the Library Council of NSW to add downloadable media to our collection using Overdrive. Overdrive is a web-based digital media platform that enables library patrons to download popular digital audio books, eBooks, music, and video from the library web site. Once we resolve some technical issues involved in integrating Overdrive in to our systems we will add a selection of digital media to our collection. You will then be able to download those titles and enjoy them on your computer, MP3 player or hand-held device where ever you like for a set loan period.
More Guests in the Library
We hope to have some special guests in the Library this year. We've already confirmed that Markus Zusak is returning, after his successful author talk last year, to give a writing workshop as part of our Youth Week celebrations.
Plus all the Regular Events
Of course all our usual events will be making a return this year including the Annual Book Sale in May, Book Week in August and our regular School Holiday Activities.
And finally, perhaps a few surprises...
Sutherland Shire Libraries wish all our customers a happy and prosperous 2008 and we look forward to helping you in any way we can throughout the year.
Last Days for the Summer Reading Club
Martin Boyce
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Kids and Parents
Summer Reading Club
Sylvania Library
With the school holidays coming to an end it's time to get your books read for the Summer Reading Club. Bring your reading logs in to the Library by Sunday February 3 to get your entries in to the major prize draw. Thanks to our major sponsor, The Tradies, there are some great prizes to be won this year so don't delay!Major Prizes
1 to 4 years - a suitcase filled withs books, games and DVDs
5 to 8 years - a portable DVD player
9 to 12 years - a digital camera
The major prize for the Teen Reading Program (13-16 years) is also a digital camera.
Once the Summer Reading Club is over and school goes back we go back to our regular Storytime program. In 2008, however, our very popular Rhymetime program is bigger and better. We are introducing Rhymetime to Sylvania Library on Mondays at 2pm. We are also adding an extra Rhymetime session at Sutherland Library on Tuesdays at 11am.
Internet Training @ your Library
The Library's term 1 Internet Training program is now available. We are running basic Internet & Email courses for absolute beginners and a Digital Photography & the Internet course for those want to get more out of their digital camera.If you would like to learn a bit more about the Internet or you know someone who does telephone the Library on 9710 0351 or pick up a brochure from any of our branch libraries. Of course all the information is available from the Internet Course Information page on our web site and the dates and times are listed on our Events Calendar as well.
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