Looking for Something to Read Over the Holidays?

*NoveList is an easy-to-navigate reader's guide to fiction providing a huge array of searching options. You can search by title, author, series name (even plot!) or peruse ready made lists and articles. You can even restrict your search to titles released within a certain year of publication or display only adult large print titles.
Readers wishing to find books in a particular genre can browse the ready made lists. The lists are categorisied under two main headings, Best Fiction which covers awards, honours and recommended lists and Explore Fiction showing mysteries, horror, romance, adventure and more. Children and Young Adult books are included under their own headings. In addition to the expected categories of romance, mysteries and fantasy for example, are collections such as graphic novels. Many of the genres are then further sorted into separate sections which could assist the reader in identifying a focus area.
Of particular interest to many will be the Read-Alike searching feature that lets you find other authors that write in a similar style to your favourite one! An author I'm particularly interested in is American novelist Joyce Carol Oates who has been writing consistently since the 1960s. A search on Joyce Carol Oates produced a sizeable piece on her background, her style of writing and the awards she has won. It also brought to light a pseudonymn that she writes under that I had not known previously.
NoveList provides a facility to create an account to save searches for future reference. After you sign in you can save search results and create alerts. In addition the database can save lists and retrieve previously saved lists. This database is well worth a look and if you're interested you might like to start with the 1 Minute NoveList, a sample search showing how you can get started.
Lisa, Sutherland Shire Libraries.
*Note: Access to NoveList and links in this article may only be available to current members of Sutherland Shire Libraries with a valid library card.
Photos from Cartoon Dave's Book Launch
Here are some photos from yesterday's book launch by Cartoon Dave (Dave Hackett)Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Were you there? What did you think? Leave us a comment...
The Summer Reading Club is On Again!
Martin Boyce
Friday, December 07, 2007
Kids and Parents
School Holidays
Summer Reading Club
Use your superpowers and read your way through the Summer Holidays! Join us for our Superhero Summer Reading Club.
And now with the help of our Super sponsor the Tradies, the prizes are out of this world!!!
When: Monday 17th December 2007 - Sunday 3rd February 2008
Where: Sign up at your local library.
There will be some great incentives along the way and for every 5 books you read a chance in the big lucky prize draw.
For more information contact the Children's and Young Adult Services staff.
And now with the help of our Super sponsor the Tradies, the prizes are out of this world!!!
When: Monday 17th December 2007 - Sunday 3rd February 2008
Where: Sign up at your local library.
There will be some great incentives along the way and for every 5 books you read a chance in the big lucky prize draw.
Other Sponsors: AES Library Supplies, Bloomin' Books, Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney Aquarium at Darling Harbour, Sydney Tramway Museum, Sydney Wildlife World, Sutherland Leisure Centre.
For more information contact the Children's and Young Adult Services staff.
Christmas Activities for Kids
Martin Boyce
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Caringbah Library
Cronulla Library
Engadine Library
Kids and Parents
Menai Library
Miranda Library
School Holidays
Sylvania Library
There are a number of activities for kids happening in the libraries as we approach Christmas. We have colouring in, craft, storytimes and films. Find all the details in our Events Calendar.
2006 Census Data for the Sutherland Shire
The data from the 2006 Census has recently been added to the Sutherland Shire Community Profile. The Community Profile is designed to inform community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public about the demographics of the Sutherland Shire using simple, clear tables and charts with concise factual commentary.Much of the data is available at suburb level and the latest release now includes:
- Census 2006 demographic information about your community.
- Accurate time series data between the 2006 and 1991, 1996, 2001 Censuses.
- Enumerated and Usual Residence population data sets.
- New information collected for the first time in the 2006 Census about need for assistance, voluntary work, child care, unpaid care and home internet connections.
- Additional information about proficiency in English, individual income levels and what people are paying in mortgages and rent.
- Virtual Earth interactive maps - including road, aerial and hybrid map views.
If you need statistics about the Sutherland Shire the Community Profile is a great place to start looking.
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