2006 Children's Book of the Year
The Children's Book Council of Australia has announced the shortlist for the 2006 Children's Book of the Year Awards. Each year the CBCA rewards outstanding Australian writing and illustration for children in 5 different categories:
Early Childhood
Younger Readers
Older Readers
Picture Book of the Year
Information Books
The winners will be announced on 18 August to launch Book Week, 19th - 25th August.
You can check out the Book Week section of our site to keep up to date with the progress of the awards as well as finding out what we are doing in the Library to celebrate (more details will be available as Book Week nears).
The Book of the year awards are a great place to start if you are looking for suggestions for good books for kids to read. The Library has many of the past winners/honour books in our collection. Use these links to browse the different categories: Picture Books, Early Childhood, younger readers, older readers and information books.
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